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SMU Expert confirms Boehner’s departure is victory for Tea Party

North Dallas Gazette

Originally Posted: September 25, 2015

Just want you think the Republican Party cannot go much further to the right, they prove you wrong. Today, House Speaker John Boehner announced his retirement.
SMU Associate Professor of Political Science Matthew Wilson declares this a victory for the Tea Party – one they have wanted for a long time.

“It reflects the triumph of conservatives within the house caucus,” Wilson says. “This is a big scalp taken by the Tea Party movement because they’ve been gunning for Boehner for a long time, and it certainly does signal a more combative caucus on Capitol Hill moving forward. He will be replaced by someone more confrontational than he is.”

Naturally Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus had pleasant things to say about the service of Boehner. He released the following statement today:

“I want to thank Speaker Boehner for his efforts to make our party, the state of Ohio, and our nation stronger. He has been a tireless advocate for conservative principles who has raised millions to elect and re-elect Republicans to the House of Representatives. Our party owes him a great debt, and I wish him and Debbie the best as he continues to make contributions to the Republican Party and America.” READ MORE