Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences English Events

Gilbert Lecture Series presents author and game designer Ian Bogost “The Mistrust of Things”

Event Date: Thursday, April 16
Time: 6pm reception, 6:30pm lecture
Location: Dedman Life Science Building, room 131


How can we learn to live with things?

How do we approach a world so replete, so overburdened with stuff that it’s literally falling apart from the wear?

How do we think of ourselves as just another thing among so many others, rather than the masters of the things that are our servants?

How can we respect things for what they are, irrespective of their role in our concerns, and how do we really do so, not just late one weird night but every day, habitually?

And how do we do so without descending into the anguish of nihilism, without concluding that the universe is fundamentally indifferent?

Award-winning author and game designer Ian Bogost will speak on “The Mistrust of Things” at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 16, in Room 131 of Dedman Life Science Building. The lecture, sponsored by SMU’s Gilbert Lecture Series, will be preceded by a reception at 6 p.m. MORE HERE

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