Attempted Auto Burglary [09/22/2023]

SMU Advisory – SMU Police are investigating an attempted auto burglary behind Phi Delta Theta House at 3056 SMU Boulevard early this morning (9-22-2023). Officers arrested one person. Two others fled.

At approximately 3:50 AM, SMU police received a report of a suspicious individual in the north alley of the 3000 block of SMU Blvd. Video surveillance showed the man walking around vehicles in the area of Dyer Court and the north alley of SMU Blvd. Officers caught one person at the scene. Two others fled toward Airline Road before officers arrived.

The two suspects at large are described as Hispanic males, 18-20 years old, with medium builds and wearing all dark clothing. One wore a black ball cap with white logo. See surveillance photos below.

Please report any information you may have about this incident to SMU police at 214-768-3333. Information also may be reported anonymously through the Police Department’s Silent Witness Program by calling 214-SMU-2TIP, online at or through the SMU Aware Safety App .

If you see something, say something. Report suspicious people or activities.  Check SMU Aware for any updates.