Important safety reminders and resources for 2023-24

August 16, 2023

Dear Mustangs,

At SMU, we care about your safety. Please check out these resources and tips to help keep yourself and our campus community as safe as possible.

Download the new SMU Aware Safety App
Stay connected to campus safety with the new SMU Aware Safety App. This user-friendly mobile app provides real-time emergency notifications and quick access to essential campus safety resources. You can make one-button calls to SMU Police and other emergency and non-emergency assistance, quickly report an incident or connect with someone you trust for a virtual “Friend Walk” across campus.
• Download now at App Store or Google Play.

Be mindful of pedestrians and drivers
Whether you are walking, driving, or biking, pay extra attention around streets and campus crosswalks. Follow all traffic laws, including speed limits, and watch for pedestrians. Always use designated crosswalks and look both ways before you step into the street.

“Avoid, Deny, Defend” in an active threat
Know what to do in case of an active threat to campus. Remember the “Avoid, Deny, Defend” model SMU has adopted. Watch this video for life-saving strategies to follow. By being prepared, you can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions when it matters most.
• Avoid: Pay attention, have an exit plan and move away quickly from a threat.
• Deny: Keep your distance, create barriers, and stay hidden and quiet. Silence your phone.
• Defend: If necessary, fight back aggressively and decisively.

Stay informed with SMU Aware
The SMU Aware website is your campus hub for emergency and safety information during an active incident or severe weather. Familiarize yourself with the University’s emergency notification system, so you’ll know the difference between an SMU Alert, SMU Warning or SMU Advisory. Also, follow SMU Aware on social media for timely updates.

Your actions can make a difference. Thank you for your commitment to the wellbeing of our campus community.