Test of the Indoor Notification System

SMU will conduct a test of the indoor notification systems within select campus buildings Wednesday, March 17 at 3:50 PM. This test will only include the following buildings:   

3004 Dyer Ct


3005 Dyer Ct

3035 Dyer  Ct



Aquatics Center

Armstrong Commons

Arnold Dining Commons

Blanton Student Services Building

Bob Smith Health Center

Bridwell Library

Child Care Center

Cockrell McIntosh Commons

Collins Center

Crum Commons

Dallas Hall

Daniel Parking Center

Daniel House

Data Center

Dedman Life Sciences Building

Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports

Embry Engineering Building

Fondren Library Center

Fondren Science Building/Heroy Science Hall

Ford Research Center

Ford Stadium/Loyd All-Sports Center

Harold Clark Simmons Hall

Hillcrest Parking Center

Hughes-Trigg Student Center

Indoor Performance Center

Junkins Engineering Building

Kathy Crow Commons

Loyd Commons

Martin Hall

McElvaney Commons

McFarlin Auditorium

Meadows Museum

Moody Coliseum

Morrison McGinnis Commons

Perkins Chapel

SMU Service House

Tennis Complex

Ware Commons

The message “SMU Alert!  This is a test of SMU emergency notification system. This is only a test” will be broadcast. Building occupants do not need to take action during the test, but are requested to complete this feedback form, if possible, to help enhance the effectiveness of this communication system.

During an actual emergency, SMU may utilize the following methods to communicate emergency information and procedures to the campus community:

·        Indoor Notification System (Main Campus Only)

·        Email notification to SMU email account (noreply@everbridge.net)

·        Text message to cell phone (sender short codes include 888777, 89361, and 87844)

·        Audio message to a cell phone or other telephone

·        Designated SMU website

·        @SMUAware on Twitter

·        SMU Information Line (214) 768-INFO

All initial messages will provide a brief description of the emergency. When additional information is available, some or all of these methods may be used to update or direct students, staff, and faculty with further instructions. The information may include cautions about certain areas to avoid, how the emergency is impacting class schedules and what actions the campus community should take.