Office 365 PowerShell

Rotate images in ADFS 3.0

ADFS 3.0 is otherwise known as ADFS 2012 R2 since it is available only on Server 2012 R2. As I gain some experience with it, one of the nice configuration options is the ability to use PowerShell to customize the sign-in page.

Among the customizations we’ve made is one to help keep our sign-in page from looking stale over time. I wrote this simple PowerShell script to rotate the large “illustration” image occasionally. It runs as a Scheduled Task, and pulls approved images randomly from a file system folder. The script also logs which image was in place at any given time in case that happens to be interesting to someone at some point.

cd X:\path\images
$RandomImage = Get-ChildItem | Get-Random | %{((Get-Item $_).VersionInfo).FileName}
(Get-Date -format G) + " $RandomImage" | Out-File X:\path\Logs\IllustrationRandomizer.log -Append
Set-AdfsWebTheme -TargetName Custom_Theme -Illustration @{path=$RandomImage}

By Tommy Doan


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