Carolyn Smith-Morris discusses the Flu Epidemic on KERA

Tower Center Associate Carolyn Smith-Morris was interviewed by KERA News Radio about her upcoming talk at SMU: “The 1918 Flu Epidemic: A 2018 Perspective” Feb. 22. Smith-Morris described her interviews with those who lived in Ebola-affected neighborhoods, and argues that humans essentially respond with the same sort of fear to all epidemic threats.

Center Spotlight | Matthew Wilson

Center Spotlight highlights Matthew Wilson
Matthew Wilson lectures at an SMU Tower Center event.

This month’s Center Spotlight highlights Matthew Wilson, SMU Tower Center senior fellow, associate professor of political science, and founding director of the Center for Faith and Learning. We asked him about the changing role of religion in domestic politics and which area of the world he is most fascinated with currently.

Scholar Spotlight | Jump-starting political organizations on campus

scholar spotlight Drew Wicker
HCM Tower Scholar Drew Wicker speaks to his congressional district at the 2016 Texas Republican Convention.

For this month’s Scholar Spotlight we interviewed SMU Senior and HCM Tower Scholar Drew Wicker about his political activism on campus. Wicker is majoring in finance and plans to attend graduate school after graduating from SMU in May.

Event Recap | The Duty to Disobey Illegal Nuclear Strike Orders

With President Trump’s increasingly provocative tweets directed at North Korea and Kim Jong-un, people have becoming increasingly concerned with the seemingly unquestioned power the president has to order nuclear strikes. SMU Professor of Law Anthony Colangelo was no different. He drafted a paper on why there is a duty to disobey illegal nuclear strike orders, believing that in most scenarios, but not all, the use of such weapons would constitute a war crime.

Speaker Q&A | The Life and Ideas of Liu Xiaobo

perry link discusses liu xiaobo
China expert Perry Link speaks at the SMU
Tower Center-Asian Studies program Feb. 8.

The SMU Tower Center and Asian Studies hosted Perry Link, author and translator of many influential works on Chinese language, literature, human rights and cultural history, at SMU Feb. 8 for the program “The Life and Ideas of Liu Xiaobo.” Liu Xiaobo was China’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate before he died in July while still serving a prison sentence for inciting subversion of the state. He was an outspoken critic of both the West and China, a poet, and a scholar. HCM Tower Scholar Destiny Rose Murphy interviewed Link about his research into Xiaobo’s life before the program.

Symposium Recap | Japan-Mexico-Texas: Exploring Politics and Economics

Japan Mexico Texas Tower Center
The First panel discusses the politics of Japan, Mexico and Texas Jan. 30.

The SMU Tower Center Sun & Star Program on Japan and East Asia partnered with the SMU Mission Foods Texas-Mexico Center for an all-day discussion of the Japan-Mexico-Texas economic and political relationship Jan. 30.

Student Blog | Gente-fication: The Changing Face of Urban Development

genteficationThe SMU Tower Center and Latino Center for Leadership and Development co-hosted a policy forum discussing “gente-fication” and various policy solutions that could reduce the impact of the rising costs of housing and amenities for low-income locals. HCM Tower Scholar Destiny Rose Murphy wrote about what she learned.