Each year, our sophomore Tower Scholars sit down with the NexPoint Tower Scholar seniors to interview them so that they can create a “Senior Spotlight” blog post highlighting the senior’s unique story. Seniors share their journeys to develop a well-informed perspective on policymaking and international affairs through a combination of theory and practice in the program, alongside their multidisciplinary major courses of study. The conversations captured reflect the experience of our scholars and their learnings not only in the Tower Center but at SMU overall.

Noah Van Nest ’26 interviewed Ben Allbright ’24 to learn more about his time as a NexPoint Tower Scholar to understand how the program has shaped his experience at SMU and how it will continue to shape him in the future.

A senior graduating in 2024, majoring in Political Science and International Studies and minoring in Public Policy & International Affairs, Human Rights, and History, Ben Allbright plans to attend law school in the fall.

Where are you from and how did you end up at SMU?

Ben Allbright is a senior hailing from Albuquerque, New Mexico with a double major in political science and international studies and a minor in human rights. Ben was drawn to Southern Methodist University primarily because of the flexible major options and ability to double major, the beautiful campus, the endless opportunities available to students and alumni, and the SMU-in-Oxford summer program. While at SMU, Ben was able to study abroad in both Oxford and Japan with various SMU programs and faculty.

What led you to be interested in/apply to the Tower Scholars Program?

Ben’s interest in the Tower Scholars Program were first peaked by his fascination with geography. Ben’s interest in geography led him to desire to keep track of current events around the world. After following current events for some time, Ben realized that studying political science and international affairs was the perfect fit for him. From there, Ben heard about the Tower Scholars Program, and he realized that everything he was looking for both professionally and academically could be achieved through the program.

What advice would you give to someone starting their time in the Tower Program?

Ben’s key piece of advice for someone just embarking on their Tower Scholars journey would be to take the time to enjoy it. Ben prescribes that young scholars should take the time to enjoy each class they are taking because each class is both unique and invaluable in its own here. Ben also recommends that young scholars should look forward to what is to come since every step of the program is enriching and fascinating. Finally, Ben firmly believes that young scholars should take advantage of every opportunity given to them. Out of all the Tower Scholar classes Ben has taken, Gateway to Public Policymaking is his favorite.

What has been your favorite part or experience of the Tower Scholars Program?

Ben’s favorite part of the Tower Scholars Program was his practicum where he worked at the Deason Center on criminal justice reform. While at the Deason Center, Ben worked on initial appearance issues and examined this law in several states around the country. Ben, along with officials from the Deason Center, found a North Carolina law that they felt was the best solution to unjust initial appearance laws. From there, Ben transferred the North Carolina bill to Texas’ bill format in hopes to implement the North Carolina law here in Texas. Without this experience through the Tower Scholars Program Ben may have never discovered his passion and gift for criminal justice reform.

What issues are you passionate about, and how has the Tower Scholars Program allowed you to explore your policy interests?

Ben is most passionate about criminal justice issues and aims to attend law school after graduating to combat current issues in our justice system. Ben knows that he is better equipped

to enter this field because of his time in the Tower Scholars Program and because of his practicum with the Deason Center. Ben hopes to find easy solutions that everyone can find reason and common ground in when reforming criminal justice issues in the future. Specifically, Ben hopes to focus on election reform and integrity after law school.

Outside of the classroom, how do you spend your time?

Outside of the classroom, Ben loves to travel, explore Dallas, and try new foods. One of Ben’s favorite memories from his time at SMU was the time he spent studying abroad in London.

According to Ben, “the UK is one of the top-tier countries on the planet.” In the future, Ben hopes to visit Spain, China, and Switzerland. When Ben isn’t globetrotting, he loves to explore Dallas in search of Dallas’ best restaurants. Ben’s favorite restaurant in Dallas is Terilli’s and he believes that the best part of Dallas is the restaurant scene.