- Papers, Publications, and Other Writings
- Dorraj & Jean-Marc Blanchard, “Iran in China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative (MSRI): Bounded Progress and Bounded Promise” in Jean-Marc Blanchard Editor, China’s Maritme Silk Road Initiative, Africa and the Middle East. (London and New York: Palgrave/ MacMillan Publishers, 2021): 165-197.
- “Belt and Road: China’s Opportunities and Challenges” in Mojtaba Mahdavi & Tugrul Keskin Editors, China-Middle East, Asia Relations in a Multiplex World (Netherland, Brill publishers, 2022): 1-11
- Ann Bluntzer & Manochehr Dorraj “Russian Invasion of Ukraine Means Green Light for Green Energy in Europe”, The Hill, March 20, 2022
- “Belt and Road and China’s Expanding Ties with West Asia and North Africa” In Yahia Zoubir, Editor, Routledge Companion to China and the Middle East and North Africa., (London and New York: Routledge Publishers, Forthcoming, 2022
- Academic Lectures, Conference Presentations, and Speaking Engagements
- Interview: On Iran-China Relations: International Team for the Study of Security (ITSS), Verona, Italy. May 2022
- Faculty Fellow and Summer School Lecturer: International Team for the Study of Security (ITSS), Verona, Italy. 2022
- Faculty Fellow and a Member of the Board: Ralph Lowe Energy Institute, TCU (2022-2023)
- Collaborator and a member of the board: Food, Water, and Energy Nexus Research Program at Texas A & M University. College Station, Texas (2022-2023)
- Invited Panelist: “Rethinking China, Middle East, and Asia in a ‘Multiplex World’, University of Alberta, China Institute, Canada. May 2022