Visiting Scholars: Citizen Outsider: Children of North African Immigrants in France

Dr. Jean Beaman, Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Purdue University, spoke on how in France, all individuals are supposed to just be French. No other identities – whether they be ethnic, or racial, or religious – are supposed to matter. France does not collect statistics related to racial and ethnic origins. That’s what distinguishes France from the United States or other plural societies. Yet France is an ethnically diverse society, due to its long history of immigration and colonialism around the world. According to some estimates, about 26 percent of second-generation immigrants are of North African origin (meaning the former French colonies of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco). Amid growing anti-immigrant sentiment and Islamophobia across Europe, how do individuals whose parents migrated to France from these former French colonies feel as minorities in France? Read more here.