Tower Center fellows and associates include a wide range of scholars, public intellectuals, and policy practitioners. Here is a selection of their recent publications, speaking events, and other notable accomplishments.
Sabri Ates, Associate
Ottoman-Iranian Borderlands: Making a Boundary, 1843–1914 (Cambridge University Press, 2013).
Mark A. Chancey, Associate
“Public School Bible Courses in Historical Perspective: North Carolina as a Case Study,” Religion & Education 40:3 (2013): 253-269.
Jeffrey Kahn, Fellow
Appointment, O’Brien Fellow-in-Residence, McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism in the Faculty of Law, McGill University, Fall 2013.
Testimony, “Ibrahim v. Dep’t of Homeland Security, et al.” United States District Court for the Northern District of California, December 2-6, 2013, San Francisco
Mrs. Shipley’s Ghost: The Right to Travel and Terrorist Watchlists (University of Michigan Press, 2013) (reviewed by Nina C. Ayoub, The Talented Mrs. Shipley, The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 20, 2013)
Op-ed, Human rights in Russia: In Putin’s Russia, Shooting the Messenger, N.Y. Times, Feb. 25, 2013 (online); International Herald Tribune, Feb. 27, 2013, at 8 (print)
Citation by European Court of Human Rights (Khodorkovskiy & Lebedev v. Russia, App. Nos. 11082/06 & 13772/05, July 25, 2013, at ¶¶ 362 & 890) of joint report submitted to and at the request of the Council of the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights.
Sheri Kunovich, Fellow
Presenter, “Women’s Political Participation in Poland,” Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Poland, October 2013.
Harold Stanley, Senior Fellow
Vital Statistics on American Politics 2013-2014 (CQ Press, 2013) (with Richard G. Niemi).
Hiroki Takeuchi, Fellow
“Survival Strategies of Township Governments in Rural China: From Predatory Taxation to Land Trade,” Journal of Contemporary China, Volume 22, Number 83 (September 2013): pp. 755-772.
Speaker, “US-China Relations,” Teacher Workshop at Asia Society Texas Center, Houston, TX, October 19, 2013.
Speaker, “Did You Hear about the Trans-Pacific Partnership?” New Outlooks on Great Decisions Discussion Group by Emeritus plus 50 Program, Dallas, TX, October 22, 2013.
Speaker, “China Today” Talk at the Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX, November 22, 2013.
Jenia Iontcheva Turner, Associate
Presenter, “Legal Ethics in International Practice,” Nuts and Bolts of International Law Seminar, International Law Section, State Bar of Texas, Dallas, TX, Oct. 18, 2013.
Presenter, “Effective Remedies for Ineffective Assistance,” Southwest Criminal Law Workshop, UC Davis Law School, Sept. 7, 2013
Presenter, “The Search for Truth in Criminal Procedure: A Comparative View,” SMU Dedman School of Law, Faculty Forum, Aug. 28, 2013
Matthew Wilson, Fellow
Politics and Religion in the United States (Routledge, 2013) (with Julia Corbett-Hemeyer).
Presenter,”Religion in American Public Life,” Faith and Politics Conference, Churchill College, Cambridge.