The John G. Tower Center for Political Studies offers faculty fellowships to support and enhance research and undergraduate instruction and to provide seed monies to conduct preliminary research that may lead to outside funding. The award limit is $2500.
These fellowships are open to members of the SMU faculty whose work broadly bears on international and comparative politics, political economy and institutions. The project should be described in a 3 to 5 page proposal outlining the goals of the research to be undertaken, the methodology to be used, a time schedule to be followed, and a detailed budget.
Tower Center Faculty fellowship funds are generally not awarded for domestic or international conference travel as such funds are available elsewhere in the University. The funds cannot be used to purchase computer hardware or supplement salary.
The application should include a current CV and a list of other agencies or institutions to which the applicant has applied or from which the applicant is receiving funding.
The proposal should include plans for disseminating the results of the research (including the results of previous fellowships if prior grants have been awarded) or for offering the course or curriculum to be developed. This is essential for applications made less than three years since receiving a prior grant.
The award recipient will be asked to present the results of the research in a Tower Center seminar.
The deadline for application is October 20, 2013.
This Fellowship will be awarded after a competitive review of the proposals by the Fellowship Committee of the Tower Center, chaired by the director and to include two members of the Faculty Board.
Fellows are asked to cite the Tower Center for Political Studies at SMU in any publications resulting from work done during the grant and to provide the Tower Center with copies of the work.
Please submit application and direct inquiries to Ray Rafidi, Associate Director of the Tower Center, 233 Carr Collins Hall.