As part of the Tower Center’s programmatic emphasis on national security and political economy, Jim Hollifield, Seyom Brown, Kathy Cooper, and Lynne Novack participated the “First Worldwide Cybersecurity Conference” on May 4-5, convened by the East-West Institute. The conference of some 300 delegates from governments and private industry from around the world was called to launch a comprehensive international awareness campaign by governments, businesses and the public about growing threats to economic stability and international peace and security presented by the vulnerabilities in and threats to digital information systems and networks. The Tower Center delegates contributed ideas on implications for national security policy and energy supply systems, for “rules of engagement” in international cyber-conflicts, and for international cooperation in devising means of attending to the global public good of cybersecurity.
These issues will be centrally a part of the Tower Center’s November 2010 Conference on National Security and Defense, which will be devoted to the implications for national security of technological innovations in digital communications, robotics, nanotechnology, non-lethal weapons, and space.
Tower Center Involvement in Deliberations on Global Cybersecurity Issues
As part of the Tower Center’s programmatic emphasis on national security and…