Meet our Student Intern Regina Romero-Garza

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am originally from Monterrey, Mexico, and I have been living in Plano, Texas for the past ten years. The reason I chose SMU is because of the opportunities the school offered me for my education and career. My majors are Political Science and International Studies, and I am minoring in Arabic and Vocal Performance. I am the Freshman Executive Chair in LULAC, Meadow’s Chorale, and Army ROTC. I plan to graduate May of 2024 and commission as a Military Intelligence Officer in the Army.

When do you graduate and what do you hope to do after you graduate?

I loved working at the center. It was a great learning experience. I explored different online programs and learned a lot about trade relations between Texas and Mexico. I worked on translations and visual projects for information from interviews and published work.

How was your experience working for the Center? What type of projects did you work on? What did you learn while working at the Center?

The most surprising piece of information I learned is the huge influence Mexican workers and policies have on Texas. I really enjoyed the influx of information while I worked.

From what you learned, what was the most surprising for you to discover?

The Center is a great source of information not only for general education, but it really helped me with my classes! I think I cited articles once or twice in my essays.

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