Ad Club Professional Development TAI Students

Ad Club Hosts Resume and Interview Workshop

2014-10-22%2020.18.58On October 22, 2014  TAI’s Ad Club held a resume workshop and interview prep event. Students brought their resumes and sipped hot cocoa or coffee while learning valuable resume and interview tips from five professors with specialties in accounts, media and creative fields in advertising. Faculty attending the event included, Dr. Carrie La Ferle giving advice on Accounts; Professor Willie Baronet providing Creative advice; Professor Gordon Law- Media; Professor Bruce Orr– Accounts; and Professor David Hadeler– Accounts. An interesting and productive night was had by all.


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Students and Professors at Resume and Interview Workshop
Students and Professors at Resume and Interview Workshop

2014 MA Cohort Participates in Workshop with Think and Speak Up

Chris Wright and Dr. Wang Provide Presentation TipsSecond year MA in Advertising students at the Temerlin Advertising Institute had a great night with Dr. Wang and Chris Wright from Think and Speak Up.

The three hour workshop focused on how to be more effective with public speaking and specifically in giving presentations.

According to Chris and Lisa, the success of your presentation starts to be assessed from the second you set foot in the room. Shoulders back, chin up, points rehearsed and confidence. Also, the specialists addressed the synergistic impact of verbal and visual techniques in public speaking. Specifically, the relevant gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and footsteps strategically taken were all presented as being important considerations alongside content when working to give an effective presentation.

TAI MA 2014 Participates in Workshop with Think and Speak Up
TAI MA 2014 Participates in Workshop with Think and Speak Up

The workshop was interactive with a high level of participation by the students. All students were videotaped at the outset giving a presentation. They were then asked to practice a variety of techniques from eye contact to gestures. Participants were again videotaped at the end to see how presentation skills might have improved.

This group of TAI MA in Advertising students will graduate in May 2014 after completing their Executive Internships with Dallas agencies in the spring along with working on a national campaign for a real client.


TAI MA in Advertising Executive Internship Workshop

Workshop on Executive Internship
Workshop on Executive Internship

As second year MA in Advertising students prepare for their Spring 2014 Executive Internships, four alumni of the program returned to TAI-SMU to share some words of wisdom and advice.

Kellyn Dunn (class of 2012), Account Planner at Firehouse, spoke about the importance of working hard and working smart. She told the students it is not enough to just get the work done, but you have to have a passion and want to give beyond what is expected.

Recent graduate, AdeDoyin Adebiyi (class of 2013) shared with the group her transition from the Executive Internship to her current position in social media at Launch. She stressed the key role a supervisor/mentor plays in the learning experience.

Matt in India
Matt in India

Copywriter, Matt Villanueva (class of 2012) of MEPlusYOU shared an overview of key moments in his life that have brought him to where he is today with one of those experiences being his global immersion to India during his MA in Advertising Program at TAI-SMU. The 2014 cohort also undertook a global immersion in June, but to Hong Kong. Matt further discussed tips on how to get the most out of the Executive Internship and some pitfalls to avoid.

Finally, Louise Schelhammer (class of 2013), Project Manager at TM Advertising, provided some good insight in to her position and how the Executive Internship is great for understanding an agency and the process of work flow through an agency.

The 2014 cohort was most appreciative of the time shared by these alumni to help prepare them for their final semester in the program.