TAI Student Alissa Llort Was Awarded Two Major Scholarships

Alissa Llort, a junior advertising student on the Strategic Brand Management track, was this year’s recipient of the 2018 Irene Runnels – Paula McStay Scholarship and the AAF-Tenth District Scholarship.

On April 5, 2018, the Dallas Area Alliance for Women in Media Foundation, Inc. awarded scholarships in the names of Irene Runnels, a distinguished and respected Dallas broadcaster and Paula McStay, a former Fort Worth advertising executive. Alissa was honored for her accomplishment at the Dallas Area Alliance for Women in Media Foundation Award of Excellence Gala. Applicants were considered on the basis of educational and career goals in their major field of study, activities and honors, service to community and references.

Alissa at the Dallas Area Alliance for Women in Media Foundation Award of Excellence Gala.

Alissa feels that Irene Runnels and Paula McStay have truly paved the way for the next generation of women to chase their professional advertising dreams.  Alissa’s personal goal is to continue to empower young female leaders based on her college experiences. “I feel proud to have received an award from an organization that supports successful women in the media industry, because when we support each other, we are unstoppable!,” she said. Alissa is currently the marketing director at the Women Ambassadors Forum, a student run non-profit organization that aims to empower women globally through an annual forum held at SMU.  In this principal role she leads her team in branding, graphic design, PR, social media and marketing.

A few days later, on April 15, 2018, Alissa was selected to receive the AAF (American Advertising Federation) Tenth District Scholarship, and was honored at the Tenth District Annual Convention in Corpus Christi, Texas during the NSAC (National Student Advertising Competition), Student Reception.

AAF District 10 endorses $2,500 scholarships which are designed to recognize, promote and encourage academically talented students in advertising-related disciplines, helping them to complete their education. Alissa was one of only three students selected to receive this award, competing against applicants from four states, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Tenth District Annual Convention in Corpus Christi, Texas during the NSAC.

According to Alissa, TAI has inspired her to be a professional advertiser even before graduating. “My advertising classes and professors have been key into my growth throughout these two years,” she said. 

Please join the Temerlin Advertising Institute in congratulating Alissa on her outstanding achievements. TAI is thrilled to have Alissa’s talents recognized with these prestigious scholarships.

TAI 2016-2017 Student Awards

It’s been a wonderful year here at Temerlin Advertising Institute. With so many creative, industry, and SMU awards earned by our students, we could not be prouder. Along with external awards, we’ve recognized some of our students who go above and beyond what is required of them. Below are all the awards, external and internal, earned by our students during the 2016-2017 academic year.


TAI Assistant Director Amy Dahmann and TAI Team Player Award Winner Matthew Smyth

4A’s Multicultural Advertising Internship Program (MAIP) – Idara Akpan

AAF’s Most Promising Multicultural Student – Marisol Moran-Sendra & Sofia Rosell

AAF American Advertising Awards (ADDYs) – Helen Rieger, Jackson Foley, Liz Martinelli, Morgan Hoff, Samantha Butz, Tiffan Giraudon

AAF Stickell Internship – Alex Gurasich

Advertising Education Foundation of Houston Scholarship – Matthew Smyth, Gyeryeong Kim

Alliance for Women in Media (AWM) Dallas Irene Runnels-Paula McStay Scholarship – Rita De Obarrio

DFW Interactive Marketing Association Scholarship – Rita De Obarrio

DSVC National Show Best Print Advertising Campaign & Best Copy – Morgan Hoff & Tanner Thompson


TAI Professor Muralidharan, Assistant Director Amy Dahmann, and TAI Donald Carty Leadership Award Recipient Jessica Giraudon

SMU Mortar Board Top 10 Sophomore – Jolie Guz

Engaged Learning Project – Samantha Butz

Hunt Scholar – Jessica Giraudon

TAI Student Marshal at Graduation – Paige Brown

TAI Undergraduate Reader at Graduation – Tanner Thompson


TAI Anchor Award – Julia Christen, Kelsi Jiang

TAI Donald John Carty Leadership Award – Jessica Giraudon

Face of TAI Award – Marisol Moran-Sendra, Tanner Thompson

TAI Optimizer Award – Helen Rieger

TAI Professor Mark Allen and TAI Resilience Award Recipient Laura Walsh

TAI Outstanding Academic Achievement in Creative – Helen Rieger

TAI Outstand Academic Achievement in Digital – Paige Brown

TAI Outstanding Academic Achievement in Strategic Brand Management – Marison Moran-Sendra

TAI Outstanding Graduate Student – Lauren Lombardo

TAI Resilience Award – Laura Walsh

TAI Responsibility Award – Idara Akpan, Rachel Kainer

TAI Service Award – Ryan Blitzer

TAI Team Player Award – Matthew Smyth


Alpha Delta Sigma – Amy Cooley, Bari Kesner, Gifford Mellick, Greyeong Kim, Helen Rieger, Jessica Giraudon, Joanna Fennessey, Julia Christen, Laura Walsh, London Mercer, Marisol Moran-Sendra, Matthew Smyth, Nicholas McCall, Paige Brown, Rachel Kainer, Tiffany Giraudon

TAI Alpha Delta Sigma Honor Society Members

Kappa Tau Alpha – Arden Leone, Marisonl Moran-Sendra, Mustafiz Rahman, Paige Brown, Samantha Butz

Olga Romanova of TAI receives an AEFH Scholarship

OlgaRomanova5[1]The Advertising Education Foundation of Houston (AEFH) awards scholarships to college sophomores, juniors and seniors pursuing undergraduate or post graduate degrees in advertising, communications, interactive marketing, journalism, radio/TV, commercial art, public relations or related fields. The AEFH Board of Directors received a record number of applications. The board carefully considered participant’s applications, educational aspirations and overall qualifications.​ As a result, Olga Romanova, majoring in Studio Arts and Creative Advertising at SMU, was awarded a Baxter + Korge Education Scholarship​ 2015.


TAI Student Wins AAF 10th District Scholarship

Quyen Tong, a sophomore advertising major, has been selected as a recipient of this semester’s O. Joe Russell scholarship. The scholarship is sponsored by the AAF (American Advertising Federation) Tenth District, which encompasses Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.  The scholarship winners were awarded at the Tenth District Annual Convention in Tulsa during the Student Reception, April 11, 2013. Quyen will receive $2500 towards her tuition next year.

AAF-District 10 endorses two $2,500 scholarships which are designed to recognize, promote and encourage academically talented students in advertising-related disciplines, helping them to complete their education. Quyen was one of only two students selected to receive this award, competing against applicants from four states and other stellar advertising programs. TAI is thrilled to have Quyen’s talents recognized with this prestigious scholarship.

Quyen Tong with Dr. Carrie La Ferle, Director of Graduate Studies & Professor, Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor
Quyen Tong with Dr. Carrie La Ferle, Director of Graduate Studies & Professor, Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor

TAI student wins two major scholarship awards

Karissa Jobman is the Spring 2013 recipient of two major awards namely the IES Abroad Leadership and Community Involvement Scholarship and the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship.

IES Abroad Leadership and Community Involvement Scholarship is open to students in any major who have demonstrated leadership and/or commitment in such areas as social service, student government, politics, or community development/welfare. The scholarship covers the cost of a student’s overseas study with the IES Abroad Buenos Aires – Latin American Societies and Cultures program for Spring 2013. The IES Abroad Merit-Based Scholarship program is very competitive. In this term alone, approximately 500 applicants competing in 20 different scholarship categories were received and only 12% of applicants received an award.

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program offers grants for U.S. citizen undergraduate students of limited financial means to pursue academic studies abroad. The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is funded through the International Academic Opportunity Act of 2000 and is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. During the Spring 2013 application cycle, the Gilman Scholarship Program reviewed more than 2,600 applications for just over 1,000 awards.

Two Temerlin Advertising Institute students selected for programs honoring top-achieving multicultural advertising students

Andrea Barreto was selected as a finalist and Kevin Do was chosen for the Honor Roll for the AAF Most Promising Minority Student program. The AAF’s Most Promising Minority Student Program (MPMS) has given hundreds of exceptional multicultural college seniors the opportunity to launch their careers in advertising by putting them in direct contact with the industry’s top advertisers, media companies, and advertising agencies. Finalists have been invited to attend the program in New York City on Feb. 4-6, 2013.

Having TAI students selected for the AAF Most Promising Minority Student program is a great honor, as it speaks to the strength of the Institute and caliber of our students, faculty and staff.


Andrea Barreto                       Andrea and Kevin                      Kevin Do