On Thursday, May 15, Dr. Francisco Rejón-Guardia,Visiting Professor from the University of Granada (Spain), presented a workshop to Temerlin Advertising Institute students and faculty titled “Personal Branding: What Are Your Social Networks Saying About You?”

During the workshop, Dr. Rejón-Guardia shared strategies and tips for developing a personal brand and strong reputation online. Since one in three employers look at a job candidate’s social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), Dr. Rejón-Guardia says it’s important to know the image of yourself you are projecting online. His strategies for developing a strong personal brand, both online and off, include knowing your target (i.e. potential employers, jobs, etc.), being specific with your personal tag/slogan, being professional, emphasizing your area(s) of specialization, knowing and telling your story, providing a consistent image of yourself, being genuine, and providing value to your industry. For more on his presentation, click here.

Dr. Rejón-Guardia is an Associate Lecturer in Marketing and Market Research at the University of Granada (Spain). His research interests include online consumer behavior, e-commerce, new advertising formats, and market research methodology. Dr. Rejón-Guardia has been a Visiting Professor in the Temerlin Advertising Institute since April 2014. He is using his time in the US to collaborate with American colleagues on various advertising and marketing research projects for publication.