Better Advertising. Better World. Faculty Social Responsibility

TAI Advertising Professor Willie Baronet Raises the Issue of Homelessness Using Homeless Signs


Temerlin Advertising Institute Professor Willie Baronet is seeking support via a crowd funding campaign for a coast to coast homeless sign buying trip from Seattle, through LA, to New York.

The goal is buy signs, create a documentary, book, and more!

Willie says:

These signs – and this practice – have become a catalyst for conversations about the nature of home, homelessness, compassion, and how we see and treat each other as humans. It has also heightened my awareness about my own upbringing and home life.

My goal is to buy as many signs and connect with as many homeless people as I can. In addition to the art installations/projects that will result from these new signs, there will be a book and a documentary film of the entire experience. Plus, I’m partnering with the Housing Crisis Center in Dallas to raise money and awareness for their program to help homeless veterans.

Your help is critical. The more people who get involved, the more meaningful the project (and the conversation about homelessness) becomes.

Help support a great cause at Indiegogo – We Are All Homeless

Masters in Advertising Program Social Responsibility

TAI Graduate Students Dish Up Proposals for SMU Dining Services

As a final project for the Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship (ADV 6372) class, two teams of Temerlin Advertising Institute graduate students—ADmire and 22/23, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Sidharth Muralidharan—created advertising campaign proposals with a social responsibility focus for SMU Dining Services. The primary emphases was to create awareness of the various services offered by SMU Dining Services among freshmen and sophomores, and also to create opportunities to meaningfully impact the lives of students in other ways than just nutrition.

The presentations were judged by several SMU Dining Services representatives, including Julie Wiksten (Associate VP of Campus Services), Jennifer Chang (Marketing Manager of SMU Dining), and Lauren Hickman (Registered Dietitian). Wiksten was very impressed and pleased with both proposals saying “What an honor to see and hear our best and brightest! The presentations were so creative.”

Members of ADmire present their campaign to SMU Dining Services.
Members of ADmire present their campaign to SMU Dining Services.

ADmire focused on how SMU Dining can enable connections with students by working with student body organizations and raise funds (via dining locations) that support college events. Keeping millennials in mind, the highlight of 22/23’s campaign strategy was their ‘SMU Scoop’ mobile app and how this tool can be used to not only spark a sense of togetherness but also help students connect with on-campus activities.

Members of 22/23 present their 'SMU Scoop' app idea.
Members of 22/23 present their ‘SMU Scoop’ app idea.

Dr. Sid commented on the presentations, noting “I am really proud of both teams as they came out with unique social responsibility ideas on a shoe-string budget. Combining the ideas from both proposals can open up even more opportunities for the SMU Dining Services brand.”

Social responsibility is a cornerstone of the Temerlin Advertising Institute’s Masters in Advertising program. ADV 6372: Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship is just one of several courses with a focus on social responsibility that students in the Institute’s MA in Advertising program are required to take. These courses, and the experiences gained through working with real clients, equip graduates to become leaders in the advertising industry by helping them recognize their responsibility to their brands, their consumers, their industry and their society.

Masters in Advertising students with Dr. Sid Muralidharan, Assistant Professor.
Masters in Advertising students with Dr. Sid Muralidharan, Assistant Professor.


Community Outreach Faculty Presentations

TAI presents to Summit International Preparatory

TAI presents to Summit International Preparatory
TAI presents to Summit International Preparatory

On May 1, 2014 faculty members of the Temerlin Advertising Institute presented an overview of the advertising profession and the Institute to students from Summit International Preparatory. Approximately 150 6th graders visited SMU for the day. The students were very polite and engaging with a ton of great comments, questions, and ideas.

A former SMU-TAI graduate, Haynes Strader spearheaded the visit. We are so excited that our alumni feel proud of their roots and want to bring shining stars to visit SMU to ignite interest in our university and the TAI program.  
Community Outreach SMU Creative Uncategorized

Creative Students Invited to Participate in National “Bus” Tour at the Dallas Art Fair

Custom Art Work on the bus by SMU Students

Leah Foster, a friend of TAI Visiting Executive-in-Residence Willie Baronet, started a National Bus Tour this past weekend at the Dallas Art Fair and several students in Baronet’s Introduction to Creativity class showed up to participate. Using paint, glitter, paper and all the many materials that Willie brought, the students got to work in redecorating the bus.

Leah Foster is an artist and currently a graduate student at School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York, NY. She views art as a tool to bring positive change in the world. She launched this bus tour with a doctor from Botswana in an effort to raise money to start a children’s hospital. This tour is a way for the Leah and her collaborative partner Una Mulale to meet people and begin a conversation about their  approach to healthcare, collaborative process, and the children’s conference they are planning in Botswana in November of 2014. They also see the bus as a space to open authentic conversation about race, gender, and equality. To read more about her project, click here.

Awards and Projects Community Outreach Undergraduate Students

TAI student, Jazmin Vazquez, receives Meadows Exploration Award

vazquez 2Jazmin Vazquez wins a Meadows Exploration Award for her research study titled Distorted Beauty. Jazmin is an advertising major in the Temerlin Advertising Institute. She will travel to London this summer to engage in a 5 week study abroad program in Communication Studies. During her stay she will also work on research related to examining the manner in which women view themselves and socially construct their self-concept based on airbrushing and retouching of models in advertising. Her mentor is Dr. Carrie La Ferle of TAI who has undertaken significant research over the past few years in the area of retouching of models.

Please join TAI in congratulating Jazmin on this exciting accomplishment.

Better Advertising. Better World. Community Outreach Faculty Presentations

TAI Faculty Encourage Hamilton Park Pacesetter Magnet Students to Pursue Advertising

Professors Lecture at ISDA group of 4th, 5th and 6th graders were visiting SMU from the Hamilton Park Pacesetter Magnet school to learn about Communication related studies on Thursday February 27, 2014. Faculty members from The Temerlin Advertising Institute prepared a 45 minute interactive presentation to teach these future leaders about the industry of advertising, branding and what factors need to be considered to make effective advertisements.

Willie Baronet Speaking at ISDSpecifically, Professor Sid Muralidharan gave an overview of the advertising industry, definitions of what advertising does and the key players in the industry.

Professor Willie Baronet spoke about what advertising agencies do and the creative process. He provided the crowd with some memorable ads illustrating the importance of making a connection with consumers.

Speaking about what goes into making a ‘good’ ad, Professor Carrie La Ferle discussed the importance of considering target audience and media selection as well as desired associations between the brand and images presented in the advertisement. She also discussed how ads can do more than sell products; they can be used to voice a positive social message as well.

Dr. Edwards ended the session with a Q&A that kept the panel on their toes as well as preaching the TAI slogan of Better Advertising. Better World.

Upon leaving, the faculty members got to engage in a group photo while conveying to these bright students how much they were looking forward to seeing them in 7 years at SMU for their college experience.

Group Photo at ISD
TAI Faculty with Hamilton Park Pacesetter Magnet Students


1-in-3 Exxon Mobil Lecture Series Social Responsibility

SMU’s Temerlin Advertising Institute and Publicis Offer Research-based Insight into the Shrinking Sinking Middle Class – Next Tuesday 11/12 at the Angelika

ExxonMobil Announcement - November 2013Contact the Temerlin Advertising Institute for questions or more information.