TAI student Tien Dang Presents her Engaged Learning Research titled “Balinese Perceptions of Women in Advertising”

by Carrie La Ferle

CarrieLaFerleDuring Engaged Learning Week many students at SMU presented their work across a variety of topic areas. The projects were wide ranging from titles such as Spanish Language Policy in Mexico and Synaptogyrin is a Novel Longevity Gene to Overcoming the Identity Struggle.

Tien Dang (’16) spoke about advertising and feminism related issues. Her advisor for the research was Dr. Carrie La Ferle of the Temerlin Advertising Institute. After spending time researching about the culture and customs of the Balinese, Tien traveled to Bali in 2015. She was interested in experiencing the culture first hand and wanted to better understand the perceptions women had about how women are portrayed in advertising.

Tien-EL-2Tien learned much about the culture and how it greatly influences perceptions of women in advertising as well as ideas about feminism. In a comparison made later with Balinese women living in the USA, Tien was able to learn that “feminism comes in all shapes and sizes and exists through different lenses based on an individual’s experiences.”

Tien-Engaged Learning


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