Congratulations to Erin Hedrick!
Yesterday, Friday May 1, 2015, second year MA in Advertising student, Erin Hedrick, successfully defended her thesis research titled, “Building Brand Value: Movie Theaters as Products that Advertise the Experience.” Her adviser was
Dr. Carrie La Ferle.

She has been working on this research for the past year and her results show that people do enjoy going to the movies but that the value of the experience can be enhanced if theaters paid more attention to convenience factors, loyalty programs and highlighting the social companionship with friends opportunities. Price was not the key factor in decisions to attend or not.
TAI congratulates Erin on her successful defense and cheers her as she joins The Richards Group Advertising Agency in Account Management where she has spent the past few months undertaking her Executive Internship!
Congratulations again, from your TAI Family.