Health and Wellness Coaching

Health and Wellness Coaching

Holistic Wellness Program made simple for you!

Our program at SMU focuses on the whole person and not only your nutrition, stress, fitness, or weight, because we know that every area of an individual’s life affects other areas. For example, relationship problems could be a trigger causing someone to eat too many comfort foods, which might in turn cause weight gain, inflammation, and stress.

By only addressing the food issue, the true cause of the problem wouldn’t be resolved, which can include how well your relationships, career, finances, mindset, emotions, spirituality, and purpose are. I as a holistic Health and Wellness Coach can support you find the true roots of your challenges. We can then work together to find solutions that work and create total well-being in your life.


Wellness Coaching

is designed to assist you in gaining clarity in order to create balance in all facets of your life: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.


is a holistic technique by stimulating every organ system’s reflex zone on the foot in a special sequence to achieve maximum health benefits. This evidence- based method can harmonize body, mind, and spirit to induce self- healing.


is for people who want to feel better, have more energy and reduce risk of developing disease by establishing personalized and simple to follow long-term healthy eating habits.

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