Announcements Featured Stories

Hegi Family Career Development Center launches new strategic plan, “Cultivating Courageous Careers”

In summer of 2021, The Hegi Family Career Development Center fully launched its new strategic plan titled, Cultivating Courageous Careers. The plan features a revised mission, newly created foundational pillars for the Center, and goals based on the CAS (Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education) review process.

We invite you to learn more about Cultivating Courageous Careers by clicking the image below. Learn more about the Hegi Family Career Development Center by visiting

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Fall 2020 Career and Internship Fair Goes Virtual

“Handshake Virtual Fair Launch Kit Now Live!” was an email all Hegi Family Career Development Center staff members were ready to receive in late-summer 2020.  Like most universities, SMU decided to transition their in-person career fair to a virtual space in light of the COVID season. The current career-services platform, Handshake was determined to serve their client campuses with a new virtual career fair feature for the fall recruiting season.  The Handshake team quickly grew their mission of democratizing opportunity to presenting the “next generation virtual career fair” to client campuses, and their goal was to deliver a personal and efficient experience for students and employers.  The new virtual fair option offered intimate 30-minute group settings and 10-minute 1:1 facetime with recruiters in addition to several videos, articles, and blogs for students and employers in preparation for the event.

As the SMU Hegi All Majors Virtual Career Fair kicked off on September 15, the Hegi team was excited to host 44 employer participants featuring a total of 140 recruiters.  A Handshake representative was available to assist employers with technical issues, and Hegi staff members were available to assist students with any questions or concerns via hourly group sessions during the fair. In total, there were 88 group sessions with 730 total student attendance for group sessions, and there were 409 student participants for the 1:1 sessions. The virtual fair was in session for four hours from 3-7pm, and the Hegi team was happy to see a successful student and employer turnout for their inaugural virtual career fair.

After the virtual Career Fair, students and employers were given an opportunity to provide feedback, and the voices were positive and appreciative.  One student commented that “It was tough for a career fair to be online, but I feel like the career fair accommodated well and made is as easy as possible for employers and students to connect.”  Another student commented, “I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and look forward to meeting more employers and SMU alumnus.”  Employers offered complimentary remarks about the level of student participation, and one employer commented that they were “impressed by the professionalism and preparation from the students.”

Despite the challenges during the COVID season, the Hegi team was committed to delivering meaningful services and resources to help our students and employers navigate the virtual chapter together. The Hegi Family Career Development Center team is looking forward to hosting their next virtual fair for spring 2021 on February 9, 2021!

For more information about the Hegi Family Career Development Center, please visit

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Navigating the Road as a Hegi Career Leader

by Alex Brody (’22)

I will admit the beginning of my Hegi journey was not the smoothest… I had no concept of what a resume, cover letter, or even what an internship truly was. Entering into the Hegi Career Leaders Program, I was unsure of the level of commitment that was expected of me and signed up for multiple events of which I did not attend.

But let’s back up for a moment—I originally applied to participate in this program the summer before my first year of college when I saw an informational email about the Hegi Career Leadership program. The email caught my interest because I was involved with a similar program at my high school called the Green Key Ambassador program where I toured prospective families around my high school as well as organizing prospective student events. I also knew coming into college that I wanted to be more involved and grow my leadership qualities. So I applied and was inducted into the program.

After a few bumps in the road initially, I was fortunate to be able to sit down with some of the career counselors involved in the program and explain my position on the issues at hand and articulate my interest to stay in the program. This meeting was a turning point for me not just as a Hegi Career Leader, but as a student in general. I learned to prioritize my schedule and how to be responsible for knowing when certain events were occurring and when assignments for classes were due. This allowed me to prepare for these further in advance and be ready for the challenges ahead. At the end of my freshman year, I won the most improved Hegi Career Leader for being able to attend every event I signed up for following the meeting I had in September. I currently work as a Hegi Peer Mentor where I aid SMU students and critique their resumes, cover letters, and CVs as well as helping them find internships and set up their Linkedin and Handshake accounts. Hegi has not only taught me what a proper resume and cover letter look like, but intangible lifelong skills such as accountability and prioritization that will serve me well for the rest of my life.

Alex Brody (’22) is double majoring in Applied Physiology and Sports Management and Public Relations and Strategic Communication. He is from Dallas, Texas and his commons affiliation is Morrison-McGinnis Commons.

To learn more about the Hegi Family Career Development Center, please visit