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The Office of Social Change and Intercultural Engagement Hosts Dream Week

With SMU’s Spring 2021 semester in full swing, the Office of Social Change and Intercultural Engagement (SCIE) held its annual Dream Week. The annual event, inspired by the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, brought together students to serve SMU.

Dream Week 2021 kicked off on January 26 with a Day of Service, which brought together students to package bags of essential items for the Bridge Homeless Recovery Center. The annual Unity Walk, which usually features large crowds of people, had to be scaled down this year because of COVID-19 restrictions. However, that did not stop SCIE from gathering to form a Unity Circle on January 27, which brought together students, faculty, and staff to celebrate Dr. King’s mission for justice.

When asked about how it felt to participate in Dream Week, Vic Norris, a graduate assistant for the Office of Social Change and Intercultural Engagement, said that, “Being able to participate in a small part of Dream Week was important to me. It felt like I was contributing to MLK’s dream, which is something we shouldn’t just do once a year but every day.” Dream Week 2021 was a reminder for SMU students to use Dr. King’s words to inspire and initiate change on a daily basis.

If you have any questions about future events from the Office of Social Change and Intercultural Engagement, please click here.