“LTC: Southern Methodist University Employees” Phishing

Phishing Example
Message Transcript:
All faculty and staff should be aware that long term care is being offered to all Southern Methodist University employees . If you do not currently have long term care coverage or if you have questions about what it can do for you, please take the time to learn more today. LTC is often a forgotten subject when planning for our futures. We would like all employees to remain informed about how to best prepare. Planning early will give your family the peace of mind that you are prepared for the future.

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“I Need A Quick Response” Scam

Phishing message example:

Phishing Message Example

Clues that it is a phishing message:


Phishing message example:Example of voicemail phishing message

Clues that it is a phishing message:

  • The sender is not from OIT.
  • The URL is for the audio file is not for SMU servers.
  • The email is pressuring with its sense of urgency as truncating the voicemail transcript.


Phishing message example:

WORK OPPORTUNITY Email screenshot

Clues that it is a phishing message:

  • The offer is too good to be true.
  • The offer comes unsolicited.
  • Multiple recipients.
  • Requests personal information.
  • The entire email is placed in a PDF file to avoid SPAM filters.