“Quick Request” Scam

Phishing message example:

Quick Request Phishing Example

In this type of scenario, the scammer is looking to see if the user responds to the spoofed supervisor’s email. At that point, the scammer starts up a conversation to get the target’s phone number and then text them that they need the email recipient to obtain something on the spoofed supervisor’s behalf, usually gift cards, with the promise they will be paid back.

Sample of email correspondence with the scammer:

Screenshot of email correspondence with the scammer

Clues that it is a phishing message:

What to do now?

If you are the recipient of this scam or a similar one, please DO NOT respond any further or click on any URLs you may have been sent. If you have provided gift card numbers or financial information, please contact the SMU Police Department immediately at 214-768-3388.

Whether or not you responded to the scam, please forward the message (with the email headers) to spam@smu.edu. We will also keep track of any other information you submit about the scammers, such as their phone numbers. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email them to infosec@smu.edu.