2020 June 2020

Black at SMU: Important conversations and actions

Recent conversations between President Turner and Black student organizations, alumni board, staff and faculty are shaping a blueprint to address systemic racial issues and create a welcoming environment.
On June 12, President Turner sent a letter to the SMU community describing the listening sessions and forthcoming actions:
“This week, I had the honor of participating in a series of Zoom discussions with the leaders of our Black student organizations, alumni board, staff and faculty. Accompanied by Vice President of Student Affairs K.C. Mmeje, Senior Advisor to the President Maria Dixon Hall and our Provost-elect Elizabeth Loboa, I heard firsthand what it means to be Black at SMU. These were not easy stories to tell and they were difficult to hear. Those who participated virtually on calls and by using the #BlackatSMU forum demonstrated courage and love for our University by sharing not just their stories, but also suggestions that will enable our campus to become a true community. For allowing me to hear from you, I am grateful. …”
Read the complete letter.