Paul Krueger, a mechanical engineering professor at SMU, joined a team of researchers studying squid locomotion in Maine over the summer. A greater grasp on the invertebrate’s impressive maneuverability may have wide-ranging applications – from understanding muscle physiology to improving remotely operated vehicles. Coverage of the project was published in the August 22, 2017, edition of the Wiscasset Newspaper.
By Linda Healy
Darling Marine Center
This summer, the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center is hosting a team of researchers for a collaborative study of squid locomotion. The goal of the project is to identify critical features of muscles that control maneuvering performances in squid.
The idea for this research was sparked five years ago, during a conversation between three scientists: Ian Bartol, Paul Krueger and Joe Thompson. The topic of conversation was the unique and amazing maneuverability of squid.
Read more at SMU News.
Researching a subject that’s hard to pin down
Paul Krueger, mechanical engineering professor, provided expertise in jet locomotion on a research project studying squids’ impressive maneuverability. A greater grasp on its biomechanics may have wide-ranging applications – from understanding muscle physiology to improving remotely operated vehicles.