
News From Perkins: New Partnerships Expand Houston-Galveston Extension Program

SMU Perkins School of Theology’s Houston-Galveston Extension Program has relocated to Houston’s Medical Center district. The move heralds a new partnership with three United Methodist institutions that will expand opportunities for enhanced theological education in settings embracing new frontiers in ministry. A public launch reception will be held in Houston August 5.

This story was published originally by SMU Perkins School of Theology on June 30, 2015.
SMU Perkins School of Theology announces the relocation of its Houston-Galveston Extension Program to Houston’s Medical Center district, effective July 1. The new partnership with three United Methodist institutions — St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Houston Methodist Hospital and St. John’s “Downtown” United Methodist Church — will expand opportunities for enhanced theological education in settings that embrace new frontiers in ministry.

The SMU Perkins School of Theology Houston-Galveston Extension Program has relocated to Houston’s Medical Center district and will be headquartered at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.

A special launch reception will be held Wednesday, August 5, at 6 p.m. in the parlor of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 5501 Main Street, in Houston. This event is open to the public.
“Perkins’ move to the Medical Center affirms our mission of preparing women and men for faithful leadership in Christian ministry in relationship to the greater setting of the southwestern United States that includes hospitals, clinics, and biomedical research laboratories,” said Dr. Evelyn Parker, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Susannah Wesley Centennial Chair of Practical Theology at Perkins.
“Our vision is to prepare imaginative leaders who will shape relevant theological questions and create appropriate practices that flow out of biomedical research and patient care,” she said.
The program will be headquartered at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church and staffed by on-site coordinator Lisa Beth White, Student Services Specialist. Library reserves and reference books will also be housed at St. Paul’s.
The expansion of the Houston-Galveston Extension Program includes a new course format of concentrated one-month modules. Classes will meet in Houston on Thursday evenings and two Friday evenings per month, with one Saturday in Houston and one in Galveston per course per semester. Spiritual Formation will be held on Monday evenings.
Since 1994, the Houston-Galveston Extension Program has been based at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. Classes have also been held in Galveston at Moody Memorial United Methodist Church, which will continue its partnership with Perkins.
“We are thankful for 20 years of hospitality offered by the congregation and leaders of St. Luke’s UMC to Perkins students and faculty,” Associate Dean Parker said. “Their countless gifts of facilities and resources helped us realize our mission.”
Learn more about the Perkins School of Theology Houston-Galveston Extension Program. View the courses for fall 2015 and the 2015-2017 course planning guide.

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