Alumni, parents and friends of SMU from the Houston area have committed more than $100 million toward SMU’s Second Century Campaign, capped by a $12.1 million gift for endowed scholarships from W. Yandell “Tog” Rogers, Jr.
Houston is home to more than 6,200 SMU alumni – the largest concentration of former SMU students outside Dallas. Rogers’ commitment brings to a dozen the number of commitments of $1 million or more from Houston donors listed below:
• AIM Foundation
• Marshall P. Cloyd ’64 and Robin Singleton Cloyd MBA ’80
• Gary T. Crum ’69 and Sylvie P. Crum
• Jay D. Fields ’99 and Allison Fields
• Roy M. Huffington ’38 (deceased)
• Paul B. Loyd Jr. ’68 and Penny R. Loyd
• The Moody Foundation
• The Noel Family
James L. Noel III and Melinda C. Noel
Stephen King ’77 and Carol Noel King ’76
Edmund O. Noel ’75 and Patrice Oden Noel ’75
William D. Noel ’82 and Barbara W. Noel
Robert C. Noel ’80, ’89 and Deanne Moore Noel ’89
• C. Robert Palmer ’57, ’66 and Rebecca S. Palmer
• The Robert A. Welch Foundation
• An anonymous benefactor
Houston donors have given more than 10,000 gifts totaling more than $100 million during SMU’s Second Century Campaign, which began in September 2008, resulting in 15 new endowments for professorships, scholarships and academic and student life programs. Forty-nine Houston donors have made commitments of $50,000 or more, and more than 1,100 donors have been recognized by SMU’s Hilltop Society for two-to-20 years of consecutive giving to SMU.
Trustee Scott McLean ‘78, CEO of Amegy Bank of Texas, and Dennis Murphree ‘69, principal of Murphree Venture Partners, are co-chairs of the Campaign Steering Committee for Houston.
“The dedication and enthusiasm of alumni and friends has been inspiring,” says McClean. “And it sends a strong message to alumni across the country – that Houston believes what SMU is doing now will positively impact the lives of future Mustangs.”
• AIM Foundation
• Marshall P. Cloyd ’64 and Robin Singleton Cloyd MBA ’80
• Gary T. Crum ’69 and Sylvie P. Crum
• Jay D. Fields ’99 and Allison Fields
• Roy M. Huffington ’38 (deceased)
• Paul B. Loyd Jr. ’68 and Penny R. Loyd
• The Moody Foundation
• The Noel Family
James L. Noel III and Melinda C. Noel
Stephen King ’77 and Carol Noel King ’76
Edmund O. Noel ’75 and Patrice Oden Noel ’75
William D. Noel ’82 and Barbara W. Noel
Robert C. Noel ’80, ’89 and Deanne Moore Noel ’89
• C. Robert Palmer ’57, ’66 and Rebecca S. Palmer
• The Robert A. Welch Foundation
• An anonymous benefactor
Houston donors have given more than 10,000 gifts totaling more than $100 million during SMU’s Second Century Campaign, which began in September 2008, resulting in 15 new endowments for professorships, scholarships and academic and student life programs. Forty-nine Houston donors have made commitments of $50,000 or more, and more than 1,100 donors have been recognized by SMU’s Hilltop Society for two-to-20 years of consecutive giving to SMU.
Trustee Scott McLean ‘78, CEO of Amegy Bank of Texas, and Dennis Murphree ‘69, principal of Murphree Venture Partners, are co-chairs of the Campaign Steering Committee for Houston.
“The dedication and enthusiasm of alumni and friends has been inspiring,” says McClean. “And it sends a strong message to alumni across the country – that Houston believes what SMU is doing now will positively impact the lives of future Mustangs.”