

Golden Mustangs will be honored during Founders’ Day Weekend, April 18-20.


Dr. Jack Rudd is founder and full-time volunteer field director of Teethsavers International Inc. In Africa he teaches a six-year molar course, whose graduates, in teams of 10-15, travel by truck and use simple hand instruments to fill the teeth of children in villages and primary schools. In 2007 Dr. Rudd received the Award of Distinction for Continuing Education from the Academy of Dentistry International. His soon-to-be-released book, Grateful for the Pain, traces his early struggles followed by the privilege of serving some of the world’s poorest children.


Wynona Wieting Lipsett (M.M.Ed. ’83) is the proud grandmother of Andrew Taylor Lipsett (see Class of 2009).


The Rev. Dr. Roy H. Ryan has a new e-book, Hot Button Issues for Religion and Politics, available from Amazon-Kindle and Barnes & Noble-Nook.


Pam Lontos sold her public relations firm PR/PR and opened Pam Lontos Consulting in Orlando, FL.


Bryan Robbins was inducted into the Texas Swimming and Diving Hall of Fame April 13, 2012. He was a three-time All-American diver at SMU and coached the 1976 and 1980 Olympic diving teams. For 39 years he taught physical education and wellness at SMU, retiring in 2008, and now teaches yoga to faculty, staff and students.


Charles R. (Rocky) Saxbe, an attorney at Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, was named in the 2012 edition of Chambers USA as a “Leader in Their Field” in litigation: general commercial.

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