More than 400 former athletes, their families and other supporters of Mustang sports attended the SMU Lettermen’s Annual Reunion September 9-10. Pictured are: (front, left to right) Marshella Atkins, Tennel Atkins ’78, Suzanne Johnston ’70, and (back) Chris Rentzel ’72, Bill Wright ’71 and Jim Johnston ’70, ’71. All tennis teams and the 1976-79 football teams were honored this year. William L. Hutchison Sr. ’54, ’55 received the 2011 Honorary Letter Award from the Lettermen’s Association board. Hutchison, a trustee emeritus, is also a 1990 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient.
Red (And Blue) Letter Weekend
More than 400 former athletes, their families and other supporters of Mustang sports attended the SMU Lettermen’s Annual Reunion September 9-10.