
DeGolyer Library To House Komen Archives

Nancy Goodman Brinker (center) with Gillian M. McCombs, dean of SMU's Central University Libraries, and SMU President R. Gerald Turner.

SMU’s DeGolyer Library and Susan G. Komen for the Cure® have formed a partnership to preserve and chronicle the history of the international organization dedicated to fighting breast cancer. DeGolyer’s Archives of Women of the Southwest now houses correspondence, advertisements and news articles chronicling Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s 29-year history.
The collection tells the story of the organization from its start as a grassroots effort to its role as the global leader of breast cancer awareness and the fight to find a cure. Since its founding in 1982, the organization has invested more than $2 billion to fight breast cancer.
A sister’s promise in 1980 led to creation of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. When Susan G. Komen died from breast cancer at age 36, her sister, Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker, promised to do everything she could to end breast cancer, culminating
with the founding of the organization that now bears her sister’s name. Today Susan G. Komen for the Cure is the largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists, working in 50 countries worldwide.
DeGolyer will preserve and catalog for researchers the personal papers, scrapbooks and photographs of Susan Goodman Komen as well as other documents and artifacts

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