
Weaving A Tale Of Conquest

This just in from Spain: Four monumental tapestries are making their way to SMU’s Meadows Museum to hang in an exhibit titled “The Invention of Glory: Afonso V and the Pastrana Tapestries” February 5-May 13, 2012. The Gothic works of art portray the conquests of two Moroccan cities by the king of Portugal, Afonso
V, in 1471. Colorful knights, ships, and military images fill the enormous tapestries created by Flemish weavers. These tapestries were among the first to commemorate secular events, branching out from the usual renderings of religious themes. Shown at left is Landing at Asilah, (detail) 1475-1500, wool and silk, Collegiate Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, Pastrana (Guadalajara). ©Fundación Carlos de Amberes.

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