Wesley N. Schulze was a United Methodist minister for 43 years and recently retired as chaplain general of the Sons of the Republic of Texas, which honored him as a Knight of San Jacinto. He celebrated his 90th birthday May 15, 2010, and his 67th wedding anniversary with his wife, Ann, last September 1.
Mary Cecelia Whitehead Ackerschott, as a member of the national American Needlepoint Guild, entered one of her creations and won first place, judges’ favorite and best in show. She donated a collection of original art pieces to SMU’s Taos Cultural Institute.
Charles Roberson retired in the mid-1980s from an accounting career. Now a resident at the C.C. Young retirement community, he is visited daily by LaVelle, his wife of 60 years.
Maurice D. Bratt recalls working his way through SMU holding down a six-day-a-week job at the original Neiman Marcus store in downtown Dallas.
Blanche Webster Coker moved from Pittsburg, TX, to Dallas in 2008 after the death of her husband, Bill Coker ’49.
Earle Labor has been honored as “Jack London Man of the Year 2011” by the Jack London Foundation in Sonoma, California. He has published eight books and over 100 shorter works on the famous author. As a visiting professor at Utah State University in 1966, he taught the first Jack London course ever offered in the United States. Labor also presented the first Jack London seminar in Western Europe as a Fulbright professor at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, in 1974.
Kenneth R. (Ken) Steele (M.B.A. ’62) fondly remembers his Pi Kappa Alpha and dorm “X” friends at SMU.