
An Alumni Participation Primer: Why Every Gift, Every Year Matters

Participation in SMU fund-raising initiatives matters more than some alumni might realize.

Participation in SMU fund-raising initiatives matters more than some alumni might realize. Gifts to the University not only advance the goals of The Second Century Campaign, but they also make a positive public statement about the Mustang experience.
“SMU values donations from its alumni because a financial commitment is a measurable way to show your pride and your vote of confidence in the future of the University,” says Stacey Paddock, executive director of alumni giving and relations.
Consider these important facts and figures about alumni participation:

  • U.S. News & World Report and other ratings agencies factor in alumni giving when they calculate their rankings.
  • SMU uses direct mail, student callers and e-mail to solicit 85,000 alumni each year. A graduate has to make only one gift during the fiscal year to be counted in the annual participation numbers.
  • SMU rewards donors with membership in two recognition societies. Donors who give in consecutive years become members of the Hilltop Society. In fiscal year 2009, the Hilltop Society had 17,576 individual members, with 1,150 giving for more than 20 consecutive years. Donors who give $1,000 or more each year become President’s Associates. There were 3,385 President’s Associates in fiscal year 2009. For more information about these recognition societies, please e-mail or call 214-768-4071.
  • SMU alumni participation jumped from 14 percent in fiscal year 2006 to 19 percent in fiscal year 2009. Paddock attributes the increase “to greater education about the importance of alumni financial support to their alma mater.”
  • Although that increase is significant, SMU still lags behind some of its peers: TCU, 21 percent; Vanderbilt, 24 percent; Emory, 37 percent; and USC, 39 percent.
  • Alumni participation is one of The Second Century Campaign goals – 25 percent annual participation by the end of the campaign.

For more information about alumni participation, contact Alumni Relations at, call 214-768-ALUM (2586) or 888-327-3755.

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