
An Enchanted Taos Weekend

From ancient civilizations to the atomic age, the art, history and science of the Southwest will be explored July 23-26 at the SMU-in-Taos Cultural Institute.


From ancient civilizations to the atomic age, the art, history and science of the Southwest will be explored July 23-26 at the SMU-in-Taos Cultural Institute.

Against a backdrop of New Mexico’s natural splendor, participants can investigate such topics as the art and life of Georgia O’Keeffe, the cultural richness of Taos, the impact of Los Alamos and the atomic age, and volcanic activity
in Northern New Mexico. A digital photography course and a mountain sports adventure also will be offered. The weekend classes for adults are taught by SMU faculty and limited in size to allow for in-depth discussion. Field trips, evening receptions and shared meals provide additional opportunities for interaction, along with time for sightseeing.

Click here to register online, or call 214-SMU-TAOS.

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