When Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, he changed the course of science with the turn of a page. Throughout 2009, SMU schools and departments will celebrate the 150th anniversary of this book and the 200th birthday of the author through a series of lectures, exhibits and presentations, “Darwin’s Evolving Legacy: Celebrating Ideas That Shape Our World.”
Confirmed events include:
- A Meadows School of the Arts theatrical reading from “Inherit the Wind,” the iconic play about the Scopes Monkey Trial, Feb. 12.
- A speech by National Medal of Science winner Francisco Ayala, author of Darwin’s Gift to Science and Religion, Feb. 20.
- A panel discussion on the Pennsylvania case barring a public school district from teaching “intelligent design,” Sept. 24.
Other speakers will address Darwin’s impact from the perspectives of biology, ecology, philosophy, anthropology and theology.
In addition, from Sept. 8 through Dec. 9, DeGolyer Library will exhibit every edition of On the Origin of Species published during Darwin’s lifetime, with reactions from the popular press and scientific community.