
New Members Join Board of Trustees

Ten new members have been elected to serve four-year terms on the SMU Board of Trustees. In addition, 28 trustees were re-elected to four-year terms, and two new ex officio board members were named to one-year terms.

Ten new members have been elected to serve four-year terms on the SMU Board of Trustees. In addition, 28 trustees were re-elected to four-year terms, and two new ex officio board members were named to one-year terms. The board sets policies governing the operation and direction of the University.

Board officers:
Carl Sewell (’66), chair
Michael M. Boone (’63, ’67), vice chair
Caren H. Prothro, secretary

New trustees:
Bishop W. Earl Bledsoe (’85)
Kelly Hoglund Compton (’79)
Antonio O. Garza Jr. (’83)
Clark K. Hunt (’87)
Fredrick S. Leach (’83)
David B. Miller (’72, ’73)
The Rev. Dr. Sheron Covington Patterson (’83, ’89, ’96)
Sarah Fullinwider Perot (’83)
Richard K. Templeton
Royce E. (Ed) Wilson

New ex officio trustees:
Lamar H. Dowling (’09), student representative
Dennis A. Foster, president of the Faculty Senate

Re-elected trustees:
Ruth Collins Sharp Altshuler (’48)
Bradley W. Brookshire (’76)
Laura Welch Bush (’68)
Pastor Kirbyjon H. Caldwell (’81)
Donald J. Carty
The Rev. Mark Craig
Gary T. Crum (’69)
Linda Pitts Custard (’60, ’99)
Robert H. Dedman Jr. (’80, ’84)
Frank M. Dunlevy (’71)
Juan L. Elek
Alan D. Feld (’57, ’60)
Gerald J. Ford (’66, ’69)
James R. Gibbs (’66, ’70, ’72)
Frederick B. Hegi Jr. (’66)
Ray L. Hunt (’65)
Gene C. Jones
Bishop Scott J. Jones (’81, ’92)
Paul B. Loyd Jr. (’68)
Bobby B. Lyle (’67)
Jeanne L. Phillips (’76)
Bishop Ann Brookshire Sherer
Helmut Sohmen (’66)
John C. Tolleson (’70)
Richard J. Wood

Continuing ex-officio members:
Connie Blass O’Neill (’77), chair of the Alumni Board
R. Gerald Turner, SMU President

Trustees who have completed their terms:
Jeanne Tower Cox (’78)
Tom Engibous
Milledge A. Hart III
Ward L. Huey Jr. (’60)
Robert A. Leach (’86)
Mark A. Nerio (’78)
Bishop Alfred L. Norris
Ross Perot Jr.
William Joel Rainer (’68, ’70)
Richard Ware (’68)
Gary A. Evans, faculty representative
Andrew R. Galloway (’08), student representative

“The trustees who have completed their terms have guided SMU through an era of unprecedented progress, ranging from our rise in academic quality and selection as the site of the George W. Bush Presidential Library to our successful Time to Lead major gifts campaign and the quiet phase of our new one, SMU Unbridled,” Turner says. “Through these advancements, their leadership will live on, and we are very grateful.”

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