

Save the Reunion date: November 8, 2008 for the Classes of 1993, 1998 and 2003.


Reunion: November 8, 2008
Chairs: Neisha Strambler-Butler, Richie L. Butler, Bradley L. Adams

Dan Davenport is a co-founder of RiseSmart, an online job search company that matches member profiles and résumés with job opportunities from online listings.

Gretchen Hoag Foster and her husband, Charlie, announce the birth of their daughter, Kathleen Stewart, Aug. 14, 2007.

Kelly D. Hine (J.D. ’97) has been elected to the Fellows of the Texas Bar Association. He is a Dallas attorney with
Fish & Richardson PC.

Jack Ingram is enjoying a renewed career in mainstream country music after relocating to Austin from Dallas with his wife, Amy, and three children, Ava Adele, 5; Eli, 3; and Hudson, 2. He has a new record label, Nashville’s Big Machine Records, and in March 2007 released the CD “This Is It.”

Jeffrey John (Jeff) Kimbell married Jessica Elizabeth Clement Sept. 29, 2007, at San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico. He is president of Jeffrey J. Kimbell & Associates Inc., managing director of Jackalope Real Estate Inc. and president of Magnum Entertainment Group LLC. The couple has homes in Washington, DC, and Park City, UT.


Mary Beth Wade Schad is the owner of Ellie & Ollie Cookies for Dinner and a recent finalist for the Martha Stewart Dreamers to Doers contest based on women turning their passions into businesses. Her cookies were featured in the November 2007 issue of Martha Stewart Living magazine.


Anthony R. (Tony) Briley and his wife, Ana Pia, announce the birth of their daughter, Izabella Maria, Oct. 25, 2007.

W. Ross Forbes, a partner in the litigation section of the Dallas office of Jackson Walker, has been elected a Fellow
of the Texas Bar Foundation. Fellows are selected for their outstanding professional achievements and their demonstrated commitment to the improvement of the justice system throughout Texas.


Allison Martin Christie lives in rural England and owns/operates a restaurant and pub. Her daughter was born in August 2007.

Michelle Campbell Gilmartin and her husband, Sean, announce the birth of identical twins, Timothy (Tim) Sean
and Thomas Samuel (Sam), Aug. 4, 2007.


Reunion: November 8, 2008
Chairs: Charles W. Wetzel, Julie Bordelon Wetzel, Alison Ream Griffin

Carmen Hazan-Cohen works in the International Outreach Program at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Mississippi.

Jennifer Clark Tobin (J.D. ’01) became a shareholder of Geary, Porter & Donovan PC Jan. 1, 2008.


Dominique Eudaly married Jeff Jordan in 2002. They live in Tyler, TX, with their sons, Jeffrey, 3; Wells, 2; and Henry, 8 months.

Rosario (Chachy Segovia) Heppe and Hansjoerg Heppe (’97) announce the birth of their daughter, Helena Maria del Socorro Brigitte, April 5, 2007, in New York City. The law school graduates have relocated to Dallas where he joined Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP as an associate in the corporate securities section.


David Kelly has been appointed president and CEO of Bluefin Robotics, which manufactures and develops autonomous underwater vehicles, systems and technology for military applications, oil and gas exploration, sea floor mapping
and archaeological purposes. He has more than 25 years of comprehensive, hands-on, high-tech experience.

Aaron Z. Tobin has joined Dallas-based Anderson Jones PLLC as a partner in complex commercial trial, creditors’
rights and appellate matters and will represent clients in business, bankruptcy, intellectual property and employment litigation matters.

James N. Zoys became a shareholder with Geary, Porter & Donovan PC Jan. 1, 2008.


Mary Elizabeth Ellis Day has been a recurring cast member for three seasons on “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” on Fox TV.

Carrie Warrick deMoor and her husband announce the birth
of their son, Christian, June 7, 2006. She is in her second year of emergency medicine residency at Thomasson Hospital in El Paso.


Patricia A. (Tricia) Barnett is director of development for the School of Economics, Political and Policy Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas. She has served as director of communications for the Office of Private Sector Initiatives at the Reagan White House and director of public affairs for United Way of America.


Reunion: November 8, 2008
Chairs: Lizanne H. Garrett, Rogers B. Healy

Dr. Alonso N. Gutiérrez is a radiation oncology physicist with an appointment as assistant professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

Ryan Long, as the business operations lead for Boeing Simulator Services in Los Angeles, updates flight simulators around the world.


Courtney Cooper St. Eve is a reporter at KSDK-TV in St. Louis. She won an Emmy at the 2007 mid-America regional Emmy ceremony last October for her story on a St. Louis museum that features dollhouse miniatures. In 2004 she had the AP story of the year and won a Telly award for her live coverage of a local plane crash. She married Bryan St. Eve in September 2007.

Luke Vahalik married Mackenzie Britton (’06) Aug. 25, 2007, in Ellsworth, KS. Both are employed at L-3 Integrated Systems in Greenville, TX, where he is an electrical engineer and she is a software engineer.


Michael Whaley, a second-year Teach For America corps member who teaches fifth grade in Memphis, has been awarded a fellowship with the Building Excellent Schools (BES) organization. As a BES Fellow, Whaley will enter a yearlong training program in general charter school management. He will open a charter school in the area when he completes his fellowship in summer 2009.

Submit a Class Note or address change online, or send information to
SMU Magazine, P.O. Box 750174, Dallas, TX 75275-0174. Be sure to include your class year.

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