The Contest
We are looking for a new logo for our Mac User Group. We want to see it on our website, on our t-shirts, and on our banner. We need your help. Make your logo your own, which means not including the Apple logo or Apple trademarked images.
Pretty straight forward.
The logo can be on any doc size, and can be submitted as an EPS, AI, JPEG, PDF, or PSD.
The t-shirt design must be as an EPS or Adobe Illustrator (AI) file. You can draw the front and back of a t-shirt to get the idea of how it will look.
The banner should be in the dimensions of 4×12 and able to scale up to 2ft by 6ft. Can be submitted as an EPS, AI, JPEG, PDF, or PSD.
The Prizes
We have a iTunes Gift Card for each category: Logo, T-Shirt, Banner. Yes, you can win in multiple categories.
The Deadline
The contest ends October 22, 2009! Deadline now extended to October 31, 2009!