Category Archives: Troubleshooting

iOS 6.1 Exchange Bug

Apple has admitted there is a bug with Exchange in the last release of the iOS. Users have reported that the 6.1 update has been draining their batteries quickly and excessively connecting to Exchange servers. Looks like the cause of … Continue reading

Posted in iOS, Mac OS X, Troubleshooting | Leave a comment

Anti-Virus for Mac OS X?

Some people would argue that you don’t need anti-virus software for your Mac, but I would disagree. In the past, the Mac OS’s lack of popularity has made it not worth the effort for those writing virus software. As the … Continue reading

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MacDefender in Apple’s sights (Mac Security Update 2011-003)

You might have seen Security Update 2011-003 in your Software Update. Don’t hesitate to download and install this update. This update helps quarantine that MacDefender malware that has been making news of late. According to the KB article HT4657KB article HT4657, the … Continue reading

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Problems with Embedded Media & QuickTime in Web Browsers

Some of you may have come across a web page that links to or has embedded a media file that no longer plays. You could swear it worked before you updated to iTunes 7, but now it’s not. Instead you … Continue reading Continue reading

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