Author Archives: Ian Aberle

About Ian Aberle

Ian Aberle is an Adobe Creative Educator and the Senior IT Communications Specialist & Trainer for the Office of Information Technology (OIT). For over 25 years, he has helped the SMU community use technology and implement digital and web media through multiple roles with the Digital Commons, SMU STAR Program, and now OIT. Ian enjoys photography and road trips with his family in his free time.

Special on-campus demonstration of Mac OS X Lion presented by Apple, Inc.

The world’s most advanced desktop operating system advances even further. Multi-Touch gestures make interacting with your Mac easier and more natural than ever. Full-screen apps help you focus on your content without any distractions. Mission Control gives you access to … Continue reading

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MacDefender in Apple’s sights (Mac Security Update 2011-003)

You might have seen Security Update 2011-003 in your Software Update. Don’t hesitate to download and install this update. This update helps quarantine that MacDefender malware that has been making news of late. According to the KB article HT4657KB article HT4657, the … Continue reading

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Final Draft iPad App Coming Spring 2011

Final Draft, the company behind the popular screen writing tool of the same name, has announce that their flagship product is coming to your favorite tablet device. This spring, the Final Draft iPad App will allow you to edit your … Continue reading

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Leaders in Mobility

Mobile technology is changing the educational Landscape. Come see how Apple is leading the world in mobility products for education. From the best-in-class MacBooks to the pocket-sized iPod & iPhone Leaders in Mobility with over 300,000 apps, this event will … Continue reading

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Get back deleted iPhone Voicemails

Sometimes we wish for an undo in the iPhone’s Phone app, mostly when we accidentally delete a voicemail message. You might just be in luck. Next time you you accidentally delete a voicemail message, try this: Open the Voicemail screen … Continue reading

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The Timeline Returns to iMovie ’11

When Apple decided to reinvent the movie editing interface for iMovie ’08, many traditional editors were quite unhappy with the loss of the timeline. New users of iMovie found working with the new method easy, but it frustrated longtime editors … Continue reading

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New SMMUG Officers

Congratulations to the new officers of the Mac User Group. Jonathan Landon has been re-elected* as President, with David Meinberg as his Vice President. Tony Rodriguez takes the role of Secretary and Catriona McClowry will keep everything in check as … Continue reading

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Mac usage surges amongst University of Virginia freshmen since 2004

The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) is reporting that over 40 percent of University of Virginia’s freshmen were using a Mac in 2009. According to the University of Virginia’s Information Technology and Communication (ITC), which services the IT needs for most … Continue reading

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Office for Mac 2011 coming in October

Microsoft has announced that the new Mac version of it’s Office suite will be available this October. Included in the suite are Word for Mac, PowerPoint for Mac, Excel for Mac and Messenger for Mac. If you get the Office … Continue reading

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Mac Dayz 2010 Wrap Up

Just want to thank everyone that helped make Mac Dayz 2010 possible. We had some wonderful sessions and guests. Cali Lewis gave a great insight into what it takes to produce a daily podcast show. Her tips for those just … Continue reading

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