In January 2024, SMU Libraries uploaded and/or updated 348 items in SMU Libraries Digital Collections. Highlights include:
5 interviews were added to the SMU Oral History and Digital Humanities Student Projects collection. These interviews, with Vicki Blanton, Sean Cordobés, Tyne Dickson, Marcus S. Duron, and Andrea Nguyen, are part of the Voices of SMU project.
49 letters, photographs, and other materials, 1938-1966, from the Stanley Marcus Papers. Highlights include several letters written to Marcus by Lyndon B. Johnson and John F. Kennedy, including a letter from Johnson about the “Mink Coat Mob” incident in Dallas in which Johnson described Congressman Bruce Alger and Senator John Tower as “frothing at the mouth” while leading the demonstration.
24 WFAA videos from November 1971 were updated and enhanced with annotations that were researched and written by staff at the G. William Jones Film and Video Collection. The annotations provide detailed descriptions of each shot based on time-code, making the newsfilms easy to search and retrieve, as well as providing information on the people, places, and events that are depicted.
19 photographs, ca. 1990s, from the Collection of Photographs by Andy Hanson. Subjects include photographs relating to the 1990 Hispanic Beginnings of Dallas exhibit.

16 postcards, ca. 1906-1913, from the George W. Cook Dallas-Texas Image Collection showing Lake Cliff Park in Dallas, TX. The postcards, many of them hand-colored, show the amusement park’s attractions, including the lake, water chute and amusement rides, roller skating rink, casino, and other buildings.
25 documents and imprints, 1876-1918, comprising 1,607 pages, have been uploaded to the Texas: Photographs, Manuscripts, and Imprints digital collection. The items include various Texas government reports from 1876, a directory of Sherman, and a rule book of the San Antonio Philatelic club. This project was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and Texas State Library and Archives Commission (Grant Number LS-253655-OLS-23).

184 items ca. 1900-1920, from the Elmer and Diane Powell Collection on Mexico and the Mexican Revolution. Some images show events that took place on the Pacific Coast during the time of the revolution, focusing on Guaymas Bay. Scenes from Guaymas, including battleships, indigenous people, city scenes, and significant buildings, are depicted, as well as photos from Mexico City, Ciudad Juárez, and elsewhere in Mexico. Also included are images of Eulalio Gutiérrez presiding over the Convention of Aguascalientes; Álvaro Obregón after the loss of his arm in a battle against Pacho Villa’s forces; Pascual Orozco with his army; military college graduates and other soldiers in Mexico City during the Ten Tragic Days; and images of Victoriano Huerta, Félix Díaz, Manuel Mondragón, Aureliano Blanquet, and other officials. Also shown are the Rurales, or rural mounted police, and the international gate between the U.S. and Mexico during the Mexican Revolution.
3 drawings, 1905-1906, from the Collection of Baldwin Locomotive Works Records, including two locomotive erecting cards for Atlantic Coast Line and Gibbens & Stream, and a detail drawing for Missouri Pacific.