Now Is When You Ask For Help

We Are Here For You

It’s ok. It’s the end of the semester, and you’re trying to finish those papers and projects so you can move on. It’s stressful. The good news? We are made for this, we train for this, we have even gone to grad school to help you in this very moment. Let us help you feel better about getting a great grade. Just follow these quick steps to get help:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click the “Chat” button (or any “ask us” icon)
  3. Fill out your name, email and question
  4. Click on “Start Chat”

Some, but not all, questions we can help with:

  • Can you help me organize my paper?
  • How do I create a bibliography?
  • What is MLA format!?
  • Everything I need is in the library, Help!
  • How can I cite this random YouTube video?