In October 2019, SMU Libraries uploaded 303 items into SMU Libraries Digital Collections.
Highlights include:
This collection contains photographs of buildings, landscapes, events, and people throughout Texas. Included are photographs taken on the Ox Ranch in Childress County, ca. 1920s. There are also images of local businesses in Aransas Pass, Aurora, Austin, Bells, Brownwood, Carson and Port Aransas. Of particular interest is a photograph of men dumping liquor at U.S. Customs House, taken by photographer Robert Runyon.

30 obsolete and canceled Texas currency notes, ca. 1838-1880, from the Rowe-Barr Collection of Texas Currency. The notes originate from Houston and Rockdale. Private scrip originates from the following issuers: W. H. Eliot, Thos. F. Hudson & Son, Woody & Perry. All other notes are Government of Texas Treasury Warrants issued during the administrations of Sam Houston and Mirabeau B. Lamar.
4 oral history interviews from the the Southern Methodist University Oral History Interviews and Digital Humanities Student Projects collection. These interviews, with Yvette Blair-Lavallais, Keisha Crane, Ambassador Antonio Garza, and Malachi Haines, Jr., are part of the Voices of SMU project.

63 items, ca. 1943, from the John C. Cox, Jr. World War II Papers, including letters, photographs, and postcards sent from John C. Cox to his family in Dallas, Texas. The photos consist mainly of Cox in his gear while at Camp Callan. Postcards are from either Camp Callan itself or other California locations like San Francisco and San Diego. His letters detail his activities at Camp Callan, and sometimes include newspaper clippings or church programs that he found interesting.
33 course catalogs, 2012 and 2013, from the Southern Methodist University Course Catalogs collection. These catalogs contain general information and course descriptions from each of SMU’s programs of study.
1 erecting card drawing, 1893, from the Collection of Baldwin Locomotive Works. This drawing was created for W.L. Bass on behalf of Central Consuelo.
8 photographs, ca. 1875-1890, from the Collection of Lorenzo Becerril photographs of Mexico. This collection contains photographs by Mexican photographer Lorenzo Becerril. The images include a photograph of the custom house in Veracruz and photographs of various depots.