With over 1,000,000 photographs and negatives in the DeGolyer Library, a review highlighting the diversity of photographers and subjects in the collection A to Z seemed in order – there are so many choices!
A – Alaska. “Treadwell’s Gold Mine, D.I.” Partridge Photo, 1887, albumen print.
B – Barnard, George (1819-1902). “Battle Ground of Resacca [sic], GA. No. 3,” Photographic Views of Sherman’s Campaign, from Negatives Taken in the Field. ca. 1864-1866, albumen print.
C – Cook Collection. George W. Cook Dallas/Texas Image Collection. “Dallas, Texas,” photographer unknown, ca. 1905, stereograph, gelatin silver print.
D – DeGolyer. “Everette L. DeGolyer, Sr. (seated), Potrero del Llano oil well with geologist Leon Russ, Mexico,” photographer unknown, ca. 1911, gelatin silver print.
E – Electra, Texas. “Sunshine Hill, Electra, Tex.,” Loden Foto, ca. 1918, postcard, gelatin silver print.
F – Fort Mojave, Arizona. “Mojave Indians, on the Colorado, Arizona.” Alexander Gardner, part of Across the Continent on the Kansas Pacific Railway: Route of the 35th Parallel, 1867-1868, Plate 98, portfolio of 127 plates, series from St. Louis to San Francisco, albumen prints.
G – Gardner, Alexander (1822-1882). “View on Canal, Near Crenshaw’s Mill, Richmond, Virginia, April, 1864.” Plate No. 92, Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the War, vol. II, Philp & Solomons, 1866.
H – Hillers, John (1843-1925). “Southern Front of Zuni.” New Mexico, ca. 1873-1881, albumen print.
I – Ixtaccihuatl, Mexico. “El Ixtaccihuatl, Alrededores de Amecameca.“ Alfred Briquet, ca. 1875, albumen print.
J – Johnson, William. “A Hindu Bridegroom.” Views of Western India, Volume I, Costumes and Characters.” Mumbai, ca. 1858, albumen print.
K – Kiev, Ukraine. [German Officers Gathered Near St. Sophia Cathedral, Kiev.] photographer unknown, Der Vormarsch der Flieger Abteilung 27 in der Ukraine. Album, spring, 1918, gelatin silver print.
L – Langenheim, Frederick (1809-1879). [Porte Saint Denis, Paris.] stereograph, copyright 1854, salt print.
M – Mount Pelée Volcano, Martinique. “Statue of St. Mary, Martinique.” W.G. Cooper, album, 1902. The volcano eruptions in May, 1902 caused the deaths of some 30,000 people, mostly in and around the city of Saint-Pierre. Gelatin silver print.
N – Nikolaev Railway, Russia. [Village Along the Nikolaev Railway.] I. Goffert, Views of the Nikolaev Railway, album, ca. 1859, albumen print.
O – Obsidian Cliff, Yellowstone. “Obsidian Cliff.” F. Jay Haynes, ca. 1885, albumen print.
P – Powell Collection. Elmer and Diane Powell Collection on Mexico and the Mexican Revolution. “Orozquistas Filiados en la Federacion.” photographer unknown, ca. 1914, postcard, gelatin silver print.
Q – Queretaro, Mexico. “Ultimas Palabras de Maximilano, “Mexicanos que mi sangre….” Adrian Cordiglia, Thayer-Nagle Album of Scenes in Mexico, 1867, albumen print. Composite photomontage from after the execution of Emperor Maximilian.
R – Railroads. [Workers Adjusting Railroad Tracks, Texas Gulf Sulphur Co.] Robert Yarnall Richie, Port Sulphur, Louisiana, 1939, Kodachrome transparency.
S – Sassoon Collection. Sir Ellice Victor Elias Sassoon Papers and Photographs. [Chinese Civilians with Japanese Soldiers at Checkpoint.] Elias Victor Sassoon, Shanghai, China, album, 1937, gelatin silver print.
T – Texas. Lawrence T. Jones III Texas Photographs. [Cat with Mexican Serape.] photographer unknown, ca. 1862-1868, ninth plate ambrotype.
U – Union Pacific Railroad. “Trestle Work at Promontory Pt.” Andrew Russell, Union Pacific Railroad Illustrations, Promontory, Utah, 1869, albumen print.
V – Venice. “Ponti die Sospiri.” Paolo Salviati, Ricordo di Venezia, album, ca. 1880, albumen print.
W – Watkins, Carleton E. (1829-1916). “View in Weber Canon Near the Devil’s Slide.” Utah, 1873, mammoth plate, albumen print.
X – X-Ray. Jack and Beverly Wilgus History of Photography Collection. [Robert S. Hyer Demonstrating X-ray Photography to the Faculty of Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas.] photographer unknown, 1897, albumen print.
Y – Yellowstone. “Great Falls of the Yellowstone.” William Henry Jackson, Photographs of the Yellowstone National Park and Views in Montana and Wyoming Territories. 1873, albumen print.
Z – Zeppelin. [The Hindenburg (Luftschiff Zeppelin #129), Lakehurst, New Jersey.] Robert Yarnall Richie, 1936, gelatin silver print.
For questions, contact: Anne E. Peterson, Curator of Photographs, DeGolyer Library apeterso@smu.edu