In March 2014, CUL uploaded 311 items into our CONTENTdm collections. CUL now has approximately 36,975 published items.
Highlights include:

68 lithographs from Bossoli’s Views in The Crimea. / Brierly’s Marine & Coast Sketches of the Black Sea &c. Bossoli’s Views in The Crimea contains 52 lithographs of idyllic scenes centering on the Crimean landscape and daily life of the people of the Crimean peninsula in the early part of the 19th century. Brierly’s Marine & Coast Sketches of the Black Sea comprises 13 lithographs concentrating on the naval operations and conflicts of the Crimean War, 1853-1856.
8 real photographic postcards of the Mexican Revolution, including President Victoriano Huerta in military dress; a Mexican train enroute to the front, with several open-aired flatcars transporting troops; F. I. Madero & Pascual Orozco in Ciudad Juarez; Mexican refugees boarding a train in the Border Region; burned bodies of two Mexican snipers in Veracruz during the U.S. occupation in 1914; a Mexican family riding the rods under a freight car on a Mexican troop train; and Villa deserters being escorted to 11th Infantry Army Headquarters after the 2nd battle of Agua Prieta.

53 broadsides illustrated, ca. 1910-1931, by José Guadelupe Posada and published by Antonio Venegas Arroyo, describing sensational events, accidents and crimes, as well as developments in the Mexican Revoluion. Many of the broadsides, often written satirically, are presented as songs written in verse.
Groups, Military Men including President Porfirio Diaz, ca. September 1910, a panoramic portrait with President Porfirio Diaz and members of his cabinet. Included are Ramon Corral, Secretary of the Interior and Vice-President; General Manuel Gonzalez Cosio, Secretary of War and the Navy; Enrique Creel, Secretary of Foreign Affairs; Olegario Molina, Secretary of Public Promotion; and Leandro Fernandez, Secretary of Communications and Public Works.

The Galveston News War Map of Mexico, ca. 1914, showing the military (both troop and fleet positions) of the Mexican Federales, the rebels, and the U.S. military garrisons along the border during the Mexican Revolution. In particular, the map distinguishes which rebel leader operated in which part of Mexico, the Mexican and U.S. Naval fleet after the Veracruz Incident, and U.S. Consulate towns throughout Mexico.
113 non-oil-related Texas negatives by Robert Yarnall Richie as part of the TexTreasures FY2014 grant. Major companies and organizations depicted or clients mentioned are Fortune Magazine; the Pin Oak Charity Horse Show; Lone Star Cement Corporation; Texas Chemical Company; Consolidated Chemical Industries, Inc.; McCarthy Chemical Company; Levingston Shipbuilding Company; Moran Shipbuilding Company; Moran Towing & Transportation Company; Texas & Pacific Railway Company; E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company; DuPont Company; Gulf Coast Films, Inc.; Houston Lighting & Power Company; Pure Oil Company; and Mission Manufacturing Company. Other photographs, includig aerial views, of note include the Houston Country Club, Texas Capitol Building, Dallas National Bank Building, Shamrock Hotel, and Rice Stadium at Rice University, as well as the All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Littlefield Fountain, and The Tower (Main Building) in Austin.
In March, nCDS also added 4 photographs of Dallas in the late-19th and early-20th centuries; two maps, one of Native American settlements in Texas and surrounding areas, 1915, and one of the Sierra Gorda and the Seno Mexican Coast, ca. 1792;
three images from the Stanley Marcus papers featuring fashion designer James Galanos, and three images, including 2 stereographs, of New Mexico in the mid- to late-19th century: Las Vegas Hot Springs and Vicinity, “Dos Cargas” Two Loads, and Street View at Mesilla, New Mexico.