![[Texas Gulf Sulphur Company] [Texas Gulf Sulphur Company], ca. 1939, by Richie, Robert Yarnall, DeGolyer Library, SMU.](http://blog.smu.edu/offtheshelf/files/2014/03/Texas_Gulf_Sulphur_Company-300x217.jpg)
Now online are 49 photographic prints of Texas Gulf Sulphur Company interests (ca. 1939) in the company town of Newgulf, Texas. The images of the Texas Gulf Sulphur Company (later known as Texasgulf Inc.) are part of a TexTreasures 2014 grant project intended to digitize 1,000 prints and negatives taken by Robert Yarnall Richie (1908-1984) that depict non-oil-related Texas companies (ca. 1937-1969). These items are part of the DeGolyer Library’s Robert Yarnall Richie Photograph Collection, which consists of industrial and corporate photographs taken by Richie throughout his career.
DeGolyer Library digital collections are part of CUL Digital Collections, which contain thousands of digitized photographs, manuscripts, imprints, and works of art held by Southern Methodist University’s Central University Libraries special collections.
Newgulf was founded atop the Boling Dome, an underground rock structure with an area of about 5,500 acres on the western bank of the San Bernard River primarily in Wharton County. Its contents include petroleum, sulfur, and a significant salt dome. Sulfur production at the Boling Dome began in March 1929 through the use of the Frasch method by which steam is pumped into the ground to melt sulfur, then the resulting liquid sulfur is pumped out in order to remove it (Boling Dome, TSHA).
Texas Gulf Sulphur Company, which became known as Texasgulf, Incorporated beginning in 1973, has produced more sulfur from the Boling Dome than any other sulfur mine in the world, with a total production of 80.5 million long tons of sulfur successfully extracted from the earth as of 1990 (Boling Dome, TSHA).
However, the prosperity in Newgulf, Texas, brought forth from the sulfur industry was not to last. The sulfur industry faced difficulties by 1956 as foreign sulfur prices began to drop and the industry began producing more sulfur than it was able to sell. Newgulf was hit especially hard in 1957 when the construction of several Texas Gulf Sulphur plants away from Newgulf coincided with a national recession, leading to both layoffs of Newgulf employees, and the start of the company selling empty houses in the town by 1961 (Newgulf, TX, TSHA).
With the onset of technological changes in sulfur mining, there was a reduced need for employees and the town population stalled at 963 from 1980 to 1990, and only 100 houses remained in Newgulf in 1990. The businesses and resulting infrastructure of
Today, Newgulf Elementary School is “one of the three campuses that comprises Boling Independent School District. Newgulf Elementary is located in the former town site of Newgulf, ‘the last company town in Texas'” (Bolingisd.net, 2013).
Newgulf is now considered by many as a ghost town, the sulfur production facilities and its prominent smokestacks left unused.
The non-oil-related Richie images of Texas companies were made available through funding from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission as part of the TexTreasures program. The TexTreasures program was funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services which is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The Institute’s mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas.
by Brandon P. Murray, Digitizer/Metadata Creator, Central University Libraries, SMU
Merle R. Hudgins, “BOLING DOME,” Handbook of Texas Online, January 23, 2014, http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/gzb01
Merle R. Hudgins, “NEWGULF, TX,” Handbook of Texas Online, January 23, 2014, http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/hln18
“Newgulf Elementary School,” Boling Independent School District, February 12, 2013, http://www.bolingisd.net/elementary/
Good history remark. If you are interested in modern day photos of Newgulf, you can visit this blog: http://photography-tx.blogspot.com/2014/04/texas-ghost-towns.html
I love reading articles about ghost towns, like the long abandoned town of Bodie in central California. In terms of Newgulf, TX, I don’t know if I could ever live in a town that smelled like sulfur all day! Anyway, I loved the article. Very interesting stuff.
You get used to the smell. I went to elementary school there.
Born 1947 in Wharton. Family moved to Newgulf. Dad worked in the construction part of the work. I started school in Newgulf in 1953, to 1958. Lived in the Hispanic section of the workers houses, avenue B. I remember a wagon pulled by horses that sold blocks of ice for the ice boxes. Dad had some pigs he was raising on the side of the reservoir. I had the responsibility of feeding and watering them. Wish I could make those days come back, rotten egg smell and all. A person gets used to things like that. Last time I went by there I saw a raccoon moving around the big old work buildings located near the smoke stacks. That was 2014
That is a great story you tell about Newgulf, Texas. Thank you very much for sharing your story. My Granny lived there around maybe 1958. I went to visit her as a child. I remember those houses so well. So many years ago.
Charline Empey
Midlothian, Texas
I lived in Newgulf from 1966 to 1971. The banner picture on this article is NOT Newgulf’s main street. which was mainly empty by the time I arrived. The golf course is a fun and easy 9 hole course. The townsite was maintained beyond compare by the company and provided many summer jobs for young adults (mostly boys) painting the exterior of the houses.
Hi, Elizabeth. Thanks for your feedback and insights on living in Newgulf!
The banner above the post is the banner for our blog. It is [Jardin Hidalgo, Zacatecas], ca. 1910, by E.B. Downing.
I was born in the hospital there in 1944. Dr. Simon was our family doctor until 1960. My dad didn’t work for TexasGulf but we went to the company dentist – I can’t remember his name. In 1963-’64 I drove a school bus to Wharton Jr. College and Newgulf was one of our stops. Took my mom there 20+ years ago just to see the old town. There were only a couple of toehold houses left, a few nice new homes and several For Sale signs on the open lots. The slab of the old hospital was still there and I was surprised at how small it was.
that should be “the old” not “toehold” – sorry
I was there last week, and so was Harvey. Water was down to about six inches throughout most of the town so I didn’t drive through. I was surprised at the amount of activity in a “ghost town”.
Does anybody know what happened to the cemetery? I have relatives buried there and my aunt couldn’t find it when she last visited.
Anyone know if cemetery still
marked? My aunt couldn’t find it last year. We have relatives buried there. Thanks
My grandfather worked for Texas Gulf and my mother and many of her siblings were born at New Gulf Hospital. I remember visiting New Gulf as a child before the town was closed—some of my best childhood memories. I still remember the rotten-egg smell of the sulfur as we approached and I knew that we were near!
As far as cemeteries, during those times segregation was the norm and people were buried according to ethnicity, leading to the creation of “Mexican, Negro and White” cemeteries. There are two “Hispanic” cemeteries in the area that I am aware of—“Mexican Cemetery” in New Gulf (near the Country Club) and the Wharton Mexican Cemetery. Both are abandoned cemeteries and are maintained exclusively by volunteers and descendants of those buried there.
My grand daddy worked and retired there
So did mine. Loved visiting my grandparents. Especially in the summer when my cousins and I picked dewberries on and around the railroad track. My mother and her three sisters were born there and went to booing high school. My grandmother loved her garden and canned the vegetables every yr. at family get-together, my dad and uncles played golf. New gulf was an enigma. So many wonderful memories with my family.
I lived in Newgulf from 1957 till 1990. Worked there from 1979 till 1992. The old cemetery was not in the town but out side it on what was the backside of Newgulf heading for Dontal. Last time I drove by it which was years ago it was still cared for by someone. It had fell into disarray years before. If the road is still open on the back side of town you would drive into Newgulf past the golf course and drive straight on though the old townsite. As you leave town on the far side you would go over what was once an old rail line and then take the a right. The cemetery will be down on the right about a 1/4 mile. Good luck
It’s down Don Tal Road a little past the main turn into Newgulf off of Hwy 1301 heading towards Pledger.
The old Mexican cemetary has been beautifully restored over the past 5 years or so. The person in charge of the work and still is the contact person is Julio Aguilar, ex-resident of Newgulf and now lives in Wharton, TX.
Cortez family members (5) were residents in the 1930’s . Grandfather worked for the company as a foreman. Any surviving family members from the 1920’s 1930’s or 1940’s ?
Would appreciate talking via emails.
I posted a link of the Newgulf Hispanic Cemetery that I took in 2014 on the link above.
My great grandfather, Budd L. Franks worked at the original Frasch process Sulphur co in Sulphur, La. Then moved to Gulf, TX near the beginning of Tg in 1919, where he would become the Loading Superintendent of the company in both Gulf, and Newgulf, and where 4 generations of his family all worked for Tg. My great grandfather started a migration of many residents of Sulphur, La, to Gulf and later Newgulf. Few probably realize this, but you will find many Tg Newgulf/Gulf, TX families who have lines that go back to Sulphur, La.
Clarification, in the article above makes it seem as if Newgulf Elementary was absorbed into Boling ISD after the sulphur mine and subsequent town site closed and shut down operation in 93/94. This is not accurate. Newgulf Elementery has always been apart of Boling ISD from the beginning of Tg having built the school.
Tg also had its own semi-pro baseball team back in the 20s and 30s, back when that was a “thing” in American society. My great Uncle Howard Lee “Brownie” Brown and others were hired to work for the company and given jobs, specifically to play on the semipro baseball team. He was later in life, inducted into the Texas baseball Hall of Fame.
Cortez family members (5) were residents in the 1930’s . Grandfather worked for the company as a foreman. Any surviving family members from the 1920’s 1930’s or 1940’s ?
Would appreciate talking via emails.
This account is correct. My father worked for TGS all his adult life and we lived on Ave G. and ran the Gulf Station (on the side for extra money). The town did not smell; only the bleed ditches had a sulfuric odor.
I lived in Newgulf, as did my dad and grandparents. My mother and her family also lived in Boling, but not in the town of Boling. They lived about a mile away. We had several people in our family that worked for TG (Texas Gulf Sulphur Co). My company, Chaka, Inc. also worked for several oil and gas exploration companies that have drilled wells on and around the Boling Dome. I give my history as evidence that I’m very familiar with the Boling Dome and the town of Newgulf.
I do NOT believe the aerial photo showing the plant with smoke stacks and surrounding buildings to be a photo of the plant at Newgulf. I do not believe any of the landmarks match TG’s Newgulf location. It is possibly a photo of one of their other locations. They had several locations around the world including Mexico and Canada. Prior to their large, long term operations in Newgulf, they had a location near Matagorda, Texas in Matagorda County. They also had a location at Spindletop and at several other Texas Gulf Coast salt domes.
PCS Phosphate (successor to Texas Gulf Sulphur) sold the majority of the land they owned on the Boling Dome to H&L Newgulf, Inc. in about 1998. H&L Newgulf subdivided part of the former Newgulf Townsite into a subdivision called Lasata. Recently, H&L Newgulf closed the golf course.
You are mistaken, good sir, that indeed the Newgulf sulphur plant. Click on the photo & zoom in. On the far right center is the old water tower that was used to fill the old steam locomotives. The circular object just above the lower part of the main plant (across the road) was the fire water storage tank (made of cement). Between the fire water & the plant are 6 water softeners, which look like gigantic jugs with piping all around. I know because underneath them were huge water filters that we cleaned every summer in the mid 70s. North East of the fire water was the bleed water treatment plant marked by the smaller black smokestack. This is where we took our dogs & cats to dip them in the mine water to kill fleas and mange. It worked like a charm, ALWAYS. The big blocks in the upper right of course were the sulfur “vats” – vast stores of solidified sulfur – hundreds of thousands of tons of the bright yellow mineral. I believe these were relocated to another area later on. The plant was built in 1928 – my dad help build it – and it went online in March of 1929, and operated continuously, 24/7, until the 1990s I think. They could not cease operations or the sulfur would solidify in the pipelines. Seven million gallons of water were used daily. The smokestacks were only used until the 1930s when the company permanently switched over to clean, natural gas. The company reservoir was located to the right of the right border, off the page. The company’s airstrip was built beyond the vats and reservoir, but on this side of the San Bernard River, which is not visible. At one time there was a National Geodetic Benchmark marker in the exact center of the northern smokestack. It’s long gone but they are still listed landmarks. The datasheet for the northern stack is:
Newgulf was a magnificent place to grow up.
Sorry Steve, but I agree with Travis, this is not a photo of Newgulf and probably from another one of its locations. I noticed right off that Newgulf did not have a large building in between the 2 big stacks nor those 2 paved roads just behind the stacks. Also the main road that leads to the plant from the Mexican housing area was to the left of the stacks, not to the right as shown. There was no road in front of the vats nor to the west of the vats. The vats used to be about 6 or 8 laid out in 2 north/south rows with the railroad right between them. There’s lots more but I think you get the idea. Besides, if you just zoom in the photo you’ll see all the details very clearly and immediately know its not Newgulf. Happy hunting!
This is INDEED Newgulf.
It is the plant in Newgulf! I studied the old photograph along side a modern Google aerial map. On the Google map, you can still identify where the old structures (footprints) used to be. I agree with Steve.
Cortez family members (5) were residents in the 1930’s . Grandfather worked for the company as a foreman. Any surviving family members from the 1920’s 1930’s or 1940’s ?
Would appreciate talking via emails.
It is the plant in Newgulf! I studied the old photograph along side a modern Google aerial map. On the Google map, you can still identify where the old structures (footprints) used to be. I agree with Steve.
Cemetery is behind newgulf by old railroad
Cortez family members (5) were residents in the 1930’s . Grandfather worked for the company as a foreman. Any surviving family members from the 1920’s 1930’s or 1940’s ?
Would appreciate talking via emails.
I was born and raised in Newgulf, and currently live behind Newgulf, I just can’t leave this place I will always, and I mean always be my home. Sure miss the Good Ole Days!
My father-in-law, Sylvester Kucera, retired from Texas Gulf Sulfur in Beaumont, but started his career with them in Newgulf and was transferred to Beaumont.
Our father , John Clement, worked at TGS until about 1939. Not sure of that date.
I went to school in Long Point, Tx. and have a few pictures. My younger sister
was born in Long Point,. I have a piece of the Sulphur and it still smells after all
these years. I played with Robert Anderson and his younger brother Stanley Earl Anderson who lived in New Gulf. Just wondering if any of my classmates are still alive….around 88yrs
Cortez family members (5) were residents in the 1930’s . Grandfather worked for the company as a foreman. Any surviving family members from the 1920’s 1930’s or 1940’s ?
Would appreciate talking via emails.
Remember Newgulf well. Worked in the field for a while. Grew up in Wharton, knew several folks whom worked for Tg. It was beginning to fold up when I left. Would love to go back for a look around again. But really have no other reason to be in the part of the state anymore.
My paternal grandfather, Allen Caldwell, went to work for the company when the operation was in Gulf, Texas where my dad was born in 1929. When my dad was six his family moved to New Gulf & my grandfather was a “Weigh Master” which meant he weighed train cars full of Sulphur. He died several years before I was born & my grandmother died when I was four. She won all sorts of awards for growing flowers. My dad & uncle learned to play golf on the company course. My dad said besides the obvious racial divide there was also a class divide between management & the blue collar employees but he said it was a great place to grow up none the less. Dad had a key to the gate in Gulf & we caught a lot of bass from the old reservoirs & they also had a very nice hunting lodge. For years they had an annual get together for people who had lived in New Gulf called “Sulphurcrats”. As you can imagine the place was hopping during WW II.
Cortez family members (5) were residents in the 1930’s . Grandfather worked for the company as a foreman. Any surviving family members from the 1920’s 1930’s or 1940’s ?
Would appreciate talking via emails.
If your dad was Ray Caldwell, he was a great scoutmaster and mentor.
Roger Howard
My grandfather, Herb Treichler, came to Gulf TX in 1918. The family story is that they arrived on Armistice Day (11 November). He became general manager of the Texas operations in the late 1920s and was in charge of opening up Newgulf in 1928. The aim was bring up the first sulphur (as it was spelled then) on the 29th of March of 1929, my grandmother’s birthday, but the story I heard was that they missed it by a day.
My grandparents lived in the big house on the south side of town until my grandfather retired in early 1953. I was six years old when they moved to Richmond. The current owners were kind enough to let us visit and walk through a few years ago. The house is still in great shape — as is the community center. The old lodge on the southeast corner of town is a disaster though.
If you are interested in the sulphur industry, check out a book called The Stone that Burns, by a guy named Haynes (as I recall). The first edition came out in 1943 and spent a lot of time on the history of TGS. The author apparently interviewed my grandfather extensively for it. The second edition, which came out in the late 1950s, was less focused on TGS so find the earlier one if you can.
And as for the rotten egg smell — I don’t like the smell either, but I have to admit that when I first get a whiff of it, I smile with pleasure since it means that we are headed down the road from Pledger to Newgulf and I’ll get to see my grandmother soon!
You know my mom and sisters and grandparents,I think. Did u go by “Johnny”? I remember my mom referring to u for some reason, for what I don’t remember. We were originally the Cookenboo family: Billye, Marie, Carol and Ann. All deceased now. Only the Cookenboo grandchildren carry the wonderful memories on.
Lived there also from 1952 to1958. My dad K O and his dad K G Gilbert were both retirees from the sulphur company there after more than 37 years service each. Still very prominent memories in my growing up in Newgulf, Boling and Iago, graduating high school in Boling 1964. Each kid knew every other kid, and our folks knew all we did as soon as we did it. Amazing network back then. Still remember my folks sitting and crying when first transfers and layoffs were announced in early 60’s. Very enjoyable to see all comments on this site, and look fwd to re visiting to share soon. Thanks.
Cortez family members (5) were residents in the 1930’s . Grandfather worked for the company as a foreman. Any surviving family members from the 1920’s 1930’s or 1940’s ?
Do you have any company photos ?
Would appreciate talking via emails.
Gary I was in your grade/class. We were transferred to Spindletop in about 1958 and I thought my world was coming to an end. As it turned out, I was in school there with other TGS kids who were also transferred. Have great memories of my childhood in Newgulf. Still wonder what became of my Newgulf classmates that stayed there and graduated from Boling. Dye was my maiden name.
Definitely remember also. Could not believe you and all who moved away. Still stay in touch w/ Jim Holden and Bill Pettijohn. Beth passed away two yrs ago, also Chuck Stunz. Mary McFeron (Wilson) and Tom Chaffin still comment on FB. Last big reunion in 2016, was sponsored BHS 1966 class, and chaired by Ed Ferguson. Saw lots and lots from classes 1960-1974. Sulfabrats website, and sulphacrats reunion is most Septembers. Haven’t been in years, but would enjoy. Enjoy all thoughts from Newgulf. We moved to Iago about same time 1958. I’m GaryG from same classes.
Not sure if my prior reply was successful. Trying again, certainly remember us as classmates. Still correspond on Facebook, with Mary McFeron (Wilson), Dottie Watkins, Tom Chaffin and Bill Pettijohn. Sorry Beth P and Chuck Stunz no longer w/ us. The houses from Newgulf are characteristic, and can be spotted all over S.TXs. One is directly behind our home here in Rockport. Sulfacrats reunion is usually in Sept in Wharton, and has a website Sulfabrats. Try to friend me on Facebook.
Just found your reply. My it is good to hear those names again but so sad for the loss of Beth and Chuck. I even remember Chuck’s birthdate and think of him every year. His mom made our wedding cake. I did not know of reunions and I too would enjoy that. I am not techie but will try to friend you on FB. I do have some interesting stuff to share with you and want to hear all about your life. My husband of over 50 yr and I live in the Ozarks. We have 4 beautiful (what else) grandchildren, all elementary school age. If we find each other on FB you will see some horrible pic of me and great ones of my family. ja
Gary, I can not find you on FB. You can write me. My address is Warfordjohnson@msn.com
Warford is my husband’s real name and because of it we call him John….
On FB, I am Jane Ann Johnson and live in Missouri. I did not put much info on my site. Let me know if none of this works.
I recall you and your family. I lived in Newgulf throughout the 1950s. We moved to the Houston area in 1959. I would have been in the Boling graduation class of 1963.
May I share your Newgulf video on Wharton County Historical Commission’s Facebook page? Great job. Thanks so much.
Hi Patricia, feel free to share!
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