Assistant Professor Karla del Rosal offers a personal perspective on educating immigrant children, her life’s work. Read more about her research and ideas about how teachers can be more effective in her Huffington Post piece here.
Assistant Professor Karla del Rosal offers a personal perspective on educating immigrant children, her life’s work. Read more about her research and ideas about how teachers can be more effective in her Huffington Post piece here.
Assistant Professor Doris Baker trains Latino parents to disseminate information about early childhood education and literacy though a project launched by The Dallas Morning News and Al Dia. This project, called Hispanic Families Network, uses social media as a source of communication and is funded by a grant from the Knight Foundation. Read more.
Scott Baker, executive director of Simmons’ Center on Research and Evaluation, chaired an Institute of Education Sciences panel to create a new practice guide for teaching and supporting English learners. The result of the panel’s work will be discussed in a free webinar, May, 1 from 3:00-4:15 p.m. ET.
The panel will review the recommendations, evidence and implementation. Baker also says panel members will outline what barriers might be encountered and what the desirable remedies are. To download the guide, click here. The first guide was developed in 2007.