SMU in Four Student Academic Engagement & Success

Enhancements made to undergraduate Degree Planner tool in my.SMU

Enhancements have been implemented in Degree Planner, which has resolved several course-sharing issues previously reported by students and academic advisors.

With the launch of Degree Planner 2.0, SMU did not have the option to adjust when course sharing was evaluated. This led most students, especially newer students with several remaining requirements, to see their Common Curriculum requirements grouped together upon opening their plan. In addition, Degree Planner auto-selects courses that it determines would benefit students, particularly those that fulfill multiple Common Curriculum requirements.

With this enhancement, Degree Planner will no longer constantly evaluate course sharing and will only evaluate it once a student selects a course. Requirements will default to appearing individually unless a student specifically selects a course that fulfills multiple. This means the tool operates regarding course sharing in much the same way as Degree Planner 1.0 but with all the speed and improvements of 2.0.

It is possible that Degree Planner may still auto-select courses for individual requirements, but the SMU in Four team has not encountered anything as extreme as what it was doing prior to this enhancement. We also have a continuing issue open with our vendor: reducing the number of times Degree Planner auto-selects courses.

Overall, this is a significant enhancement and has resolved the issue we have received most frequently with the tool.

Thanks go to several team members in the Registrar’s Office and the Office of Information Technology for implementing these enhancements. As a reminder, undergraduate students will be required to submit an updated Degree Plan by Saturday, March 1, according to the Academic Calendar. 

Office of General Education Peer Academic Leaders Student Academic Engagement & Success

Peer Academic Leaders complete programming for Fall 2024

The Peer Academic Leaders (PALs) have completed their programs and events for the Fall 2024 semester. The PALs are a diverse group of undergraduate students who dedicate their time to helping their peers succeed academically.

Under the direction of the Office of General Education and in collaboration with Residence Life and Student Housing, the PALs plan and execute engaging programming on campus and in their assigned Residential Commons.

Some highlights from the semester include:

The Office of General Education is proud of the continued success of the PALs program. Students are encouraged to keep up with PALs events through SMU 360 or by following them on Instagram (@pals_smu). Faculty and staff are encouraged to promote PALs one-on-one appointments to students as well.

Office of General Education Peer Academic Leaders Student Academic Engagement & Success University Advising Center

Peer Academic Leaders and University Advising Center wrap up Success Fest

The Peer Academic Leaders (PALs) and the University Advising Center (UAC) concluded Success Fest on September 26th. Success Fest is an event dedicated to the adoption and use of Degree Planner among undergraduate students.

In the weeks leading up to Success Fest, the UAC hosted 3 Degree Planner workshops with a total of 27 attendees. The PALs hosted 4 Degree Planner workshops with a total of 55 attendees. The PALs also offered 1-1 appointments in Blanton Suite 338, and helped 60 students complete their Degree Planner.

These efforts proved successful as there was a significant increase in the use of Degree Planner from September 13th until September 26th. Some data points include:

  • 1,321 pre-major students completing their Degree Planner leading up to major declaration
  • 1,263 declared students completing their Degree Planner leading up to graduation
  • 2,584 total students utilizing Degree Planner

The PALs and UAC will host Success Fest again in Spring 2025 on February 27th, encouraging students to complete and update their Degree Planner before the March 1st deadline.

Office of General Education Peer Academic Leaders University Advising Center

Join the Office of General Education and the University Advising Center at Success Fest

The Office of General Education and the University Advising Center (UAC) will be hosting their semesterly event, Success Fest, on September 26th from 11:30am-1:30pm in Laura Lee Blanton rooms 108/110.

Success Fest is an event dedicated to promoting usage and adoption of Degree Planner among undergraduate students. The event was first held in Spring 2024, and resulted in 1,938 students using Degree Planner over a month long period.

Students can enter Success Fest by showing proof of a completed Degree Planner or by completing Degree Planner on the spot during the event. The event will have games, raffles, a crafting station, and free food. RSVP’s are encouraged via SMU 360, but walk-ins are welcome.

The deadlines to complete Degree Planner are now on the SMU academic calendar, with an October 1st deadline for the fall semester and March 1st deadline for the spring semester.

Advisors from the UAC and the Peer Academic Leaders (PALs) will be hosting Degree Planner workshops in the coming weeks before the October 1st deadline. Students can also book a 1-1 appointment with a PAL in Blanton suite 338.

Staff and faculty are also welcome to stop by Success Fest, and are encouraged to promote the event to undergraduate students.

SMU in Four

Encourage undergraduate students to complete their my.SMU Degree Planner by October 1

On Friday, September 13 pre-major and declared major students received a task and message in my.smu that asked them to complete a path in Degree Planner by October 1st. (This deadline is also listed on SMU’s academic calendar.) Declared major students complete their path when they plan through the semester of their graduation.

This task was applied to everyone, regardless of Degree Planner completion, and will be removed on October 1st, also regardless of completion. Although there is no consequence for students who do not complete Degree Planner, this requirement is a semesterly expectation for all students and advisors.

Please encourage your students to work on a Degree Planner path. When students complete their Degree Planner, the academic advisor job becomes easier in a couple of ways: students will have the start of a plan for course enrollment, and departments will see a clearer picture of course demand for future semesters. The tool only becomes increasingly useful as more students and advisors participate…

Over the next two weeks, students can seek help with Degree Planner in numerous ways:

SMU installed an update to the Degree Planner software on Thursday, September 12, that should have fixed the technical issues students may have encountered over the summer. If you see issues, technical or otherwise, please use the Degree Planner Issues/Requests Tracker. If students have problems, they should contact the Help Desk.

Finally, Success Fest on September 26th will offer free food, raffles, and games for all students who have completed their Degree Planner… If they still have work to do, advisors will be there to help them finish. Look for more promotion of Success Fest over the next two weeks, and help us get the word out…

Thanks for all of your help, and if you have any questions, let me know.

Josh Beaty

Advising Pillar, SMU in Four

Office of General Education Peer Academic Leaders Student Academic Engagement & Success

Peer Academic Leaders wrap up their first year of General Education programming

This year, the Office of General Education relaunched the Peer Academic Leaders (PALs) program during the 2024 Academic Year.

The PALs are a diverse group of undergraduate students who aim to help their peers better understand the Common Curriculum, utilize academic resources, and navigate academic challenges. They are also inserted into the Residential Commons (RCs) and facilitate monthly programming meant to build a sense of community in the RC.

The PALs had a very successful first year with many highlights, such as:

The Office of General Education is proud of the PALs’ success this year and looks forward to seeing their continued impact in the 24-25 academic year.

Students, staff, and faculty can stay up to date with the PALs events and programming on SMU 360 and the PALs website.


Office of General Education SMU in Four Student Academic Engagement & Success

Degree Planner updated to plan co-curricular options

The Office of General Education partnered with the Office of Information Technology and the Registrar’s Office to permit undergraduate student’s the ability to plan co-curricular obtainment of Common Curriculum (CC) Proficiencies and Experience in Degree Planner. 

The purpose of this change is to simplify and ultimately make planning easier for our students.  With the Degree Planner update, students can select an SMU course, a preapproved activity, or inform us of their desire to petition an individual activity to fulfill a Proficiency or Experience 

Watch this new video on how to plan a pre-approved or individual activity in Degree Planner:  

The following pre-approved clubs and organizations fulfill CC graduation requirements, also known as Proficiencies & Experiences (PREX), and have already been added as options in Degree Planner: 

Activity Name  CC Requirement 
Alternative Breaks  Community Engagement 
Engage Dallas  Community Engagement, Civics and Individual Ethics 
Vice President for Student Affairs Advisory Board  Civics and Individual Ethics 
Mustang PEP Talks  Civics and Individual Ethics, Oral Communication 
Peer Academic Leaders (PAL)  Community Engagement, Oral Communication 
Student Wellness Program  Community Engagement 
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)  Community Engagement 
Board Fellows Program  Community Engagement 
Spiritual Life Mentors  Community Engagement 
SMU Abroad Programs  Global Perspectives 


Search for these pre-approved activities under the PREX course attribute in Degree Planner. 

Following the Council on General Education‘s approval, look for more pre-approved clubs and organizations that will be added to Degree Planner. Updates can also be found on each Proficiency &  Experience webpage.  

Office of General Education Peer Academic Leaders Student Academic Engagement & Success University Advising Center

Success Fest data points to higher usage of Degree Planner

SMU’s first-ever Success Fest wrapped up on February 28th, 2024. The Peer Academic Leaders (PALs), under the direction of The Office of General Education, and the University Advising Center (UAC) began promotional efforts for Success Fest in early February by:

  • Hosting Degree Planner workshops
  • Working with the Registrar’s Office to write and post To-Do Tasks to undergraduate students’ my.SMU accounts
  • Sending marketing emails to all undergraduate students

These efforts resulted in:

  • 40 total attendees at all Degree Planner workshops in February
  • 63 total attendees at Success Fest
  • 65 total scheduled 1-1 meetings with PALs
  • 1,506 students utilizing Degree Planner between February 15th and March 1st
  • 1,938 students utilizing Degree Planner between February 1st and March 1st

Success Fest will be a semesterly offering, aligning with the Degree Planner deadlines of March 1st and October 1st. These deadlines will be added to SMU’s Academic Calendar to help promote continued use of Degree Planner.

Overall, the PALs and UAC are excited with the Spring 2024 results and look forward to planning Success Fest for Fall 2024.

Office of General Education Peer Academic Leaders Student Academic Engagement & Success University Advising Center

Degree Planner To-Do Tasks added to undergraduate students’ my.SMU

On Thursday, February 15th, two separate To-Do Tasks were added to all undergraduate students’ my.SMU accounts to promote the completion of their Degree Planner by March 1st and Success Fest on February 28th.

  • To-Do Task for pre-major students: “Complete your Degree Planner, if you have not already. Pre-major students are required to plan through the semester after their major declaration by Friday, March 1st. Students with a completed path in Degree Planner can attend Success Fest on Wednesday, February 28th. Students can get help with Degree Planner from a PAL, advisor, or at a Degree Planner workshop.”
  • To-Do Task for declared students: “Complete your Degree Planner, if you have not already. Declared students are required to plan through the semester of their graduation by Friday, March 1st. Students with a completed path in Degree Planner can attend Success Fest on Wednesday, February 28th. Students can get help with Degree Planner from a PAL, advisor, or at a Degree Planner workshop.”

A message was also sent via students’ Message Center, detailing information on Degree Planner, how to enter Success Fest, and upcoming Degree Planner workshops.

Students are encouraged to attend a Degree Planner Workshop hosted by the Peer Academic Leaders (PALs) on February 22nd from 4pm-5pm in Hughes-Trigg room 120, or to schedule a 1-1 appointment with a PAL.

Students can also attend Degree Planner Workshops hosted by the University Advising Center (UAC) on February 26th or February 27th from 11:30am-2:30pm in Hughes-Trigg room 130. Students who show proof of a complete Degree Planner can enter Success Fest on February 28th from 2pm-4pm in the Hughes-Trigg Varsity.

Every Fall and Spring semester, undergraduate students can expect a Degree Planner deadline and Success Fest as it becomes a pre-advising season ritual.

Office of General Education Peer Academic Leaders Student Academic Engagement & Success University Advising Center

Peer Academic Leaders and University Advising Center prepare for Success Fest

Since Fall 2023, the Peer Academic Leaders (PALs) within the Office of General Education and the University Advising Center (UAC) have been planning a collaborative event titled “Success Fest” to promote the use of Degree Planner amongst SMU undergraduate students.

Success Fest will occur on February 28th from 2pm to 4pm in the Hughes-Trigg Varsity. The event will offer students incentives, such as food from Grilled Cheese Co. and the opportunity to enter a raffle to win Amazon gift cards.

To enter Success Fest, students must show proof of a completed Degree Planner. Academic Advisors from the UAC will review students’ Degree Planners to check for completion before entering Success Fest. There will also be PALs and advisors in the Hughes-Trigg Chamber to help students complete their Degree Planner on the day of the event.

Pre-major students will be required to fill out their Degree Planner leading up until major declaration, while declared students will be expected to complete their Degree Planner leading up until graduation. The deadline for students to complete their Degree Planner is March 1st, 2024.

Students can expect a To-Do task to be added to their student dashboard on my.SMU, in addition to receiving a message in their Message Center with more details about Degree Planner deadlines and Success Fest.

The UAC will host Degree Planner workshops on February 26th and 27th from 11:30am to 2:30pm in Hughes-Trigg room 130. During this same time, the PALs will be tabling across campus to distribute marketing materials for Success Fest.

The PALs will also host two Degree Planner workshops on February 8 and February 22. The details for both events can be found on SMU 360. Students are encouraged to book 1-1 appointments with the PALs if they prefer a more individualized tutorial on Degree Planner.